Young philosophers

On a miserable bank holiday day, what better to do than visit a museum. The one we chose was about history. It had a travelling exhibition about the history of watches.

It was relatively interesting.

However here comes the fun part.

There was a tree at the end, where you could hang your thoughts onto.
And the question that was being asked for you to reflect on was,

What does time mean to you?

Many people had posted many lovely and profound thoughts, time is freedom, time is a gift, time is for each other, time is for eating and so on.

Our kids unprompted took the pen and wrote the following onto a bright coloured postcard, I quote letter for letter, word for word what they wrote. No interpretation given.

My eldest wrote.
"Zeit ist manchmal schoen und manchmal schlecht"
Time is sometimes lovely and sometimes bad.

And the youngest...
"Zeit ist...........wichtig ?"
Time is .......important ?

Wow, very deep. I was warmed from the inside. Such lovely insights.
I would have written. 

Time sometimes flies and sometimes it just drags on. Why is that?

What would you have written?

What is time for you?

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