Real men make bread

About ten years ago my husband was faced with the modern time dilemma of considering becoming a Houseman.  It was a very difficult time, with lots of questions, doubts and concerns.

In times like this you seek out advise and support, which he also did.

At the time, I specifically recall the lack of encouragement from his closet friends. There were many fears presented about having a gap in his CV, not being able to have a career, becoming a cleaner and housekeeper etc. Of course the frame of reference was that of the early 2000's where maybe the model of the man staying at home was less common. However I remember being disappointed by the one-sided nature from his friends. He very nearly reconsidered.

Today I want to make the provocative and bold statement that "real men bake bread and make beer".
Whilst there is an edge of silliness to this, my point is that I have never seen my husband as happy as I see him now. He has found his mojo!

He bakes the most amazing sour dough bread twice a week and at least once a week he hosts the beer brewing club in his man-shed.  My Hubbie oozes man hood in a way that would make high earning, gym visiting, marathon running, shudder.

And in addition he takes the most amazing care of his family. Just for record, no the house is not always clean, the fridge is not always full, the washing still lies in baskets unwashed, and he still steps over the neat piles of laundry that I leave on the stairs, yet the car is always running, my bike always has good brakes and pumped up tires, the broken things get fixed and bookshelves and pictures are hung up.

So I would like to point out that being a houseman is nothing other than self actualizing and a redefinition of what manhood is all about!


  1. Go Houseman!! He was always the business. Meanwhile - have his closet friends come out yet?

  2. So far all are still hunters and gatherers in suits ;-)
