As many of you have noticed and commented upon, my blogging has somewhat disappeared over the last month. Let me now call it the cooling off period. I was not sure if this is where it would land, but now I am sure. I have trialed a life without blogging to see if it was possible and to see how it would feel.
As a consequence of the last month of non writing, I have now wholeheartedly decided to wrap up the bold, bald and beautiful blog and close it down. It is now time to thank you and it for all that it has done for me (and maybe the greater universe) and thank it for its many gifts. It has been a wonderful experience.
I can't promise it is the last you will hear from me as BBB, but for now the blog will be no more.
I feel both it and I have run its course. I feel the stories on alopecia and hair loss are no longer as present in my life as they were four years ago and I feel that the BBB chapter is closing. Of course this means, like with any good book, that the next chapter is opening.
I will however continue "blogging" to my colleagues in my company, and I may even write a book one day. Maybe I even come back to blogging one day, but for now I feel the need to move on to something new, with honesty,elegance and grace. The gifts have been abundant on this blogging journey and it is no coincidence that I close this down as the biggest career journey now opens up. You see I have been appointed to a role that I always dreamed of, yet never dared it would happen. I will take on a role that allows me to be bold and beautiful every day and I believe this role encourages me to spread the love and all that I stand for. I feel that maybe this blog had something to do with this promotion too.
I believe that through the kindness, generosity and care I have for the fellow human being I have been recognized and chosen to do something big.
Know that each one of you, my readers, has mattered. Know that I write my final words with each of you in mind. I know who you are.
May you find inspiration in all that you do and remember beauty is everywhere, you just have to sometimes look hard enough.
Yours forever
Real men make bread
About ten years ago my husband was faced with the modern time dilemma of considering becoming a Houseman. It was a very difficult time, with lots of questions, doubts and concerns.
In times like this you seek out advise and support, which he also did.
At the time, I specifically recall the lack of encouragement from his closet friends. There were many fears presented about having a gap in his CV, not being able to have a career, becoming a cleaner and housekeeper etc. Of course the frame of reference was that of the early 2000's where maybe the model of the man staying at home was less common. However I remember being disappointed by the one-sided nature from his friends. He very nearly reconsidered.
Today I want to make the provocative and bold statement that "real men bake bread and make beer".
Whilst there is an edge of silliness to this, my point is that I have never seen my husband as happy as I see him now. He has found his mojo!
He bakes the most amazing sour dough bread twice a week and at least once a week he hosts the beer brewing club in his man-shed. My Hubbie oozes man hood in a way that would make high earning, gym visiting, marathon running, shudder.
And in addition he takes the most amazing care of his family. Just for record, no the house is not always clean, the fridge is not always full, the washing still lies in baskets unwashed, and he still steps over the neat piles of laundry that I leave on the stairs, yet the car is always running, my bike always has good brakes and pumped up tires, the broken things get fixed and bookshelves and pictures are hung up.
So I would like to point out that being a houseman is nothing other than self actualizing and a redefinition of what manhood is all about!
What has blogging ever done for me?
After blogging for four years, it is a time to think about what it has done for the world.
Specifically, what has it done for me? and what has it done for you, the readers?
From the beginning I vowed my blog would not be a self serving form of therapy. I always wanted it to be of service to others. I also did not want it to be a diary of my life.
My intent was (and remains) to share the insights of alopecia and to make people smile through my reflections. If I could make people think differently that would be a bonus too.
What is has concretely done for me, is show me the power of writing. It has allowed me to access deeper thoughts and bring them to the surface and more importantly demonstrated that sharing these lines of thought can create a positive movement.
Over the past two years I have also spilled the art of writing into the work place. I write frequently to my team and colleagues, with fun corporate insights and reflections, often leaving a question at the end. It is very well received. People seem to love it and respond back frequently.
I am grateful for blogging teaching me how to spread love and optimism in the workplace.
So what has it done for you?
Well I guess that is for you to decide.
I do hope that at the very least it has entertained you, maybe even educated you about alopecia and in moments caused you to stop and think about your life choices.
Would love to hear from you........
Specifically, what has it done for me? and what has it done for you, the readers?
From the beginning I vowed my blog would not be a self serving form of therapy. I always wanted it to be of service to others. I also did not want it to be a diary of my life.
My intent was (and remains) to share the insights of alopecia and to make people smile through my reflections. If I could make people think differently that would be a bonus too.
What is has concretely done for me, is show me the power of writing. It has allowed me to access deeper thoughts and bring them to the surface and more importantly demonstrated that sharing these lines of thought can create a positive movement.
Over the past two years I have also spilled the art of writing into the work place. I write frequently to my team and colleagues, with fun corporate insights and reflections, often leaving a question at the end. It is very well received. People seem to love it and respond back frequently.
I am grateful for blogging teaching me how to spread love and optimism in the workplace.
So what has it done for you?
Well I guess that is for you to decide.
I do hope that at the very least it has entertained you, maybe even educated you about alopecia and in moments caused you to stop and think about your life choices.
Would love to hear from you........
What does money remove for us?
Watching a silly TV programme last night about a hospital that is kind of a 5 star hotel at the same time, really caused me to ask the question whether too much money tears away the most wonderful and real experiences from us.
For example in this posh hospital, women were giving birth to babies and having them taken care of most of the day by the wonderful nurses, so they could get some sleep. Over night the little ones would be in a different room with nurses feeding them and looking after them in their first 72 hours.
Whilst I am fully sure there is a LOT of merit to getting some needed rest after giving birth, it was quite sad that these mothers were missing out on some of the realness of the first few days.
So it caused me to think about what experiences does money rob us of?
Does having money to buy new clothes stop us from reimagining our old ones and recreating something new with what we have?
Does money take away from us the joy of cooking with few and simple ingredients?
Does having the money for some household help, cause us to miss the chance of connecting with our home and our possessions?
Do coffee machines and take away coffees cause us to miss out on the moment of pause whilst waiting for the kettle to boil
Maybe none of these things is true, maybe its marvellous to have nice new clothes, eat out in restaurants, have our house cleaned and pick up coffee on the way to work. Sounds good to me and surely it gives us the time to do more meaningful and important things with our lives. Doesn't it?
Thoughts anyone?
What are you missing out on?
Made possible by the community
This weekend my big girl turned 13.
What an event in the life of a child. What an event in the life of a parent!
She has had a tough year in many ways and I really wanted to make her birthday special. Which mummy doesn't eh?
A lot of thought and planning went into it and yet some how it was the simplest plan on earth. However it was the little things that made all the difference.
She ended up having a sleepover in a tent in the garden. No specific activities, no movies, no sophisticated menu, just spaghetti and an ice cream cake (which I have to confess is actually rather sophisticated and posh food in my mind).

That was it. Well at least for the first part.
The second part was a surprise, when a few friends came by for birthday tea.
What was the real surprise was the generosity, thoughtfulness and the warmth of the gifts. A Harry Potter cake indeed!!!!!!!!! Yes the below picture is of a cake. Wow indeed!
They made her feel a million dollars and for that I will be forever grateful.

It was a wonderful day and made special by the community.
The community who made went to great lengths to plan a facetime call from her BFF in Canada, the community who sent videos with crazy singing to make us all laugh, the community who sent over perfect parcels with perfect presents and not forgetting, the all important family, who kindly and wonderfully hosted her little sister for the night so she could have a day of grown-upness!
I remember these words today "It takes a community to raise a child"
And one special moment I was not expecting was a gift to me.
My baby gave me this necklace!

I love you to the moon and back too my little angel.
Let's hope every day of the teenage years is as enjoyable as this one!!!!!!
What an event in the life of a child. What an event in the life of a parent!
She has had a tough year in many ways and I really wanted to make her birthday special. Which mummy doesn't eh?
A lot of thought and planning went into it and yet some how it was the simplest plan on earth. However it was the little things that made all the difference.
She ended up having a sleepover in a tent in the garden. No specific activities, no movies, no sophisticated menu, just spaghetti and an ice cream cake (which I have to confess is actually rather sophisticated and posh food in my mind).

That was it. Well at least for the first part.
The second part was a surprise, when a few friends came by for birthday tea.
What was the real surprise was the generosity, thoughtfulness and the warmth of the gifts. A Harry Potter cake indeed!!!!!!!!! Yes the below picture is of a cake. Wow indeed!
They made her feel a million dollars and for that I will be forever grateful.

It was a wonderful day and made special by the community.
The community who made went to great lengths to plan a facetime call from her BFF in Canada, the community who sent videos with crazy singing to make us all laugh, the community who sent over perfect parcels with perfect presents and not forgetting, the all important family, who kindly and wonderfully hosted her little sister for the night so she could have a day of grown-upness!
I remember these words today "It takes a community to raise a child"
And one special moment I was not expecting was a gift to me.
My baby gave me this necklace!

I love you to the moon and back too my little angel.
Let's hope every day of the teenage years is as enjoyable as this one!!!!!!
Young philosophers
On a miserable bank holiday day, what better to do than visit a museum. The one we chose was about history. It had a travelling exhibition about the history of watches.
It was relatively interesting.
However here comes the fun part.
There was a tree at the end, where you could hang your thoughts onto.
And the question that was being asked for you to reflect on was,
What does time mean to you?
Many people had posted many lovely and profound thoughts, time is freedom, time is a gift, time is for each other, time is for eating and so on.
Our kids unprompted took the pen and wrote the following onto a bright coloured postcard, I quote letter for letter, word for word what they wrote. No interpretation given.
My eldest wrote.
"Zeit ist manchmal schoen und manchmal schlecht"
Time is sometimes lovely and sometimes bad.
And the youngest...
"Zeit ist...........wichtig ?"
Time is .......important ?
Wow, very deep. I was warmed from the inside. Such lovely insights.
I would have written.
Time sometimes flies and sometimes it just drags on. Why is that?
What would you have written?
What is time for you?
Being at your best?
Do you know when you are at your best?
Can you recall a time when you were being fabulous?
Are you at your best right now?
What circumstances and context enable you to be at your best?
After watching a you tube video reccommeding by a friend, with Liz Wiseman, I developed an understanding that I had not been really aware of.
Most people are at the best, when they don't know.
What this translates to me as, is that, when I take on a new role or try something completely different, although I feel scared and even helpless, actually I could be at my best.
When thrown into new territory with high stakes, I know I feel exposed and vulnerable, but how I get out of this is by asking questions, seeking others' counsel, doing some research, trying things out, getting feedback and doing this all fast as being incapable and not competent does not feel great.
And what she was saying is that this is when we are at our best.
On reflection, I get this.
I had not seen it this way before, I was seeing being at my best is when I am good at something, when I am knowledgable and when I feel confident and capable. However when I feel that capable, the reality is that I stop asking questions, I ask less for feedback and others counsel and I may operate more alone and not seek others to help.
So yes I can see that I am at my best when doing something new and without the skills.
Does this resonate with you? Seems counter intuitive on the face of it, but after thinking it through it has offered me a new and very valuable perspective.
So if you are not at your best now, maybe it's time to do something new and different!
Setting an intent
Over the years, I have heard people talking about the importance of setting an "intent" for a meeting, for their day, for a particular conversation, but it is something I have never even tried to do.
But like the old adage, when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear, well this time, this appeared.
You see for me recently, days seemed to be blending into each other and weeks rolling into the next and somehow things were getting done but there was no moments for pausing or reflection. So somehow I was not having that moment of success or celebration even awareness, before the next thing just came along and took over.
So one day, on my bike to work, I set my intent for the day.(My bike is where I do my best thinking!)
I thought about what meetings I had that day and who in particular would be in them and then I decided that that day, my intent was to be "knowledgeable". And you know what I was.
The next day, I set my intent to "have time" and although this one went a bit wobbly in the afternoon, in the morning I did stop and chat and slowly walk the corridors versus stomping though the hallways at speed looking down.
The day after, I set my intent to breathe deeply. And in moments through out the day I stopped and did so. It was lovely.
Brilliant in fact!
So what is your intent for today? Do you have one?
To be generous
To be kind
To be curious
Go on, don't wait as long as did to implement it!
Let me know how it goes........
But like the old adage, when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear, well this time, this appeared.
You see for me recently, days seemed to be blending into each other and weeks rolling into the next and somehow things were getting done but there was no moments for pausing or reflection. So somehow I was not having that moment of success or celebration even awareness, before the next thing just came along and took over.
So one day, on my bike to work, I set my intent for the day.(My bike is where I do my best thinking!)
I thought about what meetings I had that day and who in particular would be in them and then I decided that that day, my intent was to be "knowledgeable". And you know what I was.
The next day, I set my intent to "have time" and although this one went a bit wobbly in the afternoon, in the morning I did stop and chat and slowly walk the corridors versus stomping though the hallways at speed looking down.
The day after, I set my intent to breathe deeply. And in moments through out the day I stopped and did so. It was lovely.
Brilliant in fact!
So what is your intent for today? Do you have one?
To be generous
To be kind
To be curious
Go on, don't wait as long as did to implement it!
Let me know how it goes........
I just ordered a coffee at a well known coffee chain. Yes I know I am shallow and paying too much money for an experience, but hey ho, at least I know that.
But the bizarre thing is what I ordered. It made no sense.
I ordered a decaffeinated cappuccino with skimmed milk (or rather skinny milk - as cool people call it) and I added 1 sweetner!!
When did I get so New York??
What happened to having the real deal.
Why did I feel the need to take the fun out of EVERYTHING in my coffee!!
At least I ordered it in a real cup and not a to-go paper cup!
Seriously????????????? Have I really lost the plot!
But the bizarre thing is what I ordered. It made no sense.
I ordered a decaffeinated cappuccino with skimmed milk (or rather skinny milk - as cool people call it) and I added 1 sweetner!!
When did I get so New York??
What happened to having the real deal.
Why did I feel the need to take the fun out of EVERYTHING in my coffee!!
At least I ordered it in a real cup and not a to-go paper cup!
Seriously????????????? Have I really lost the plot!
So whats on your mind?
So seriously what is on your mind?
Do you actually know?
Are you able to stop and think?
Are you building in time to reflect and consciously chose how you spend your time?
Go on, grab a pen and write down the top 3 things that are on your mind.
Now when you have done that, cross check that with what is keeping you busy. Where are you spending your time?
If there is a match - well done.
If like me there is not a match, I think it is time to slow down, re think, and re plan.
Let me know how you get on.............
Do you actually know?
Are you able to stop and think?
Are you building in time to reflect and consciously chose how you spend your time?
Go on, grab a pen and write down the top 3 things that are on your mind.
Now when you have done that, cross check that with what is keeping you busy. Where are you spending your time?
If there is a match - well done.
If like me there is not a match, I think it is time to slow down, re think, and re plan.
Let me know how you get on.............
Little pieces of love
This week has been a week of gifts.
Either receiving them or giving them. I came back to my desk just now and found a box of jelly beans with a thank you note attached. So lovely and I am partial to jelly beans as well. Unexpected and very thoughtful.
Also last week in a charity shop I came across a travel journal (a fancy Moleskine too) that I knew would have a good home for the right person. Today I handed it over to that friend with lots of little inscriptions in pertinent place to make them laugh. It did.
It gave me such pleasure.
He also reminded me a time I had gifted a 1000 piece jigsaw to a team I was leaving. I gave the empty box to the person I thought would keep the team together, the frame pieces to the person who would structure the team and keep them on track, the inside pieces to the person who would provide content and energy and the blue pieces of sky I gave to the dreamer, the big thinker, the person who saw endless opportunities in the world. It had been an inspired gift and if I am honest, one that was made up last minute on the spot, when I was looking for a way to honour that fabulous team.
So what gifts have you been giving?
Is there someone out there you want to say Hi to?
Little presents are never misplaced or wrong. Granted, some gifts are better than others, but the intent is always clear. A gift says “Here is something that symbolizes that I was thinking about you and wanted to honour our relationship” a gift is nothing other than a piece of love.
So who are you going to gift to this weekend?
Either receiving them or giving them. I came back to my desk just now and found a box of jelly beans with a thank you note attached. So lovely and I am partial to jelly beans as well. Unexpected and very thoughtful.
Also last week in a charity shop I came across a travel journal (a fancy Moleskine too) that I knew would have a good home for the right person. Today I handed it over to that friend with lots of little inscriptions in pertinent place to make them laugh. It did.
It gave me such pleasure.
He also reminded me a time I had gifted a 1000 piece jigsaw to a team I was leaving. I gave the empty box to the person I thought would keep the team together, the frame pieces to the person who would structure the team and keep them on track, the inside pieces to the person who would provide content and energy and the blue pieces of sky I gave to the dreamer, the big thinker, the person who saw endless opportunities in the world. It had been an inspired gift and if I am honest, one that was made up last minute on the spot, when I was looking for a way to honour that fabulous team.
So what gifts have you been giving?
Is there someone out there you want to say Hi to?
Little presents are never misplaced or wrong. Granted, some gifts are better than others, but the intent is always clear. A gift says “Here is something that symbolizes that I was thinking about you and wanted to honour our relationship” a gift is nothing other than a piece of love.
So who are you going to gift to this weekend?
Timeform squiggle
Every heard of a timeform squiggle? Well I hadn't til this morning.
And now I know what it is, I love it and have every intention of using all the time.
The expression comes from horse racing. It means that something happened in the horse race, that is not easily explainable. That something happened that was a little odd and out of pattern.
Something worthy of note.
Here is the official explanation,
Either way when you look at the track record data of a horse if you see the following symbol
Namely a timeform squiggle, you have little pause for thought.
There is no evidence to suggest anything untoward is occurring or that a trend is emerging, it's just a little mark on the card. A point of note. Something to put at the back of your mind, for now.
And it's true in life we see behaviours all the time from people that are a little odd and a bit left of center. Most likely it is nothing, and you offer the benefit of the doubt, but somehow it is worthy of note.
And that is a timeform squiggle.
Have you been handing out timeform squiggles on people around you.
I know I have. And I bet I have a few on me too.
Happy horse racing Friday everyone.
Claim every year
There is something about getting older that I love, being over 40 rocks. In fact I cant wait to know what if feels like being 50. And 60 is the new 40!
However the years seem to blur into each other. I don't find myself thinking, wow my 42nd year was amazing or when I was 41 I did something remarkable.
The years seem to fly by and are boundary less.
This saddens me and I am left thinking that I need to claim each year.
So what will being 43 bring. What will make this year memorable or remarkable?
How am I going to claim every year?
Anybody got any techniques and tactics to share?
However the years seem to blur into each other. I don't find myself thinking, wow my 42nd year was amazing or when I was 41 I did something remarkable.
The years seem to fly by and are boundary less.
This saddens me and I am left thinking that I need to claim each year.
So what will being 43 bring. What will make this year memorable or remarkable?
How am I going to claim every year?
Anybody got any techniques and tactics to share?
Vegetables everywhere
Lent is a time of giving up something.
Whilst my reasons are less religious, I do find abstinence of something you value, a mental challenge.
I have decided to give up meat between now and Easter. I have encouraged the family, but not o much enthusiasm, although they agreed to join in and eat much less meat. I will take that!
The hardest thing is to break habits, it is not actually giving up the meat that I struggle with most. It's not taking pea soup, as it has bacon bits in, it's looking at the menu in a restaurant differently.
And it is planning and shopping differently that will be the success. Being vegetarian doesn't just happen. Leaving meat out of a diet will not be sustainable.
So yesterday I took out my cook books and planned 5 recipes for the week.
Vegetable tagine and couscous
Vegetable curry and rice
Sweet corn risotto
Vegetable hotspot
(Back up Apple and Pomegrante Guacomole and Babanganoush spread with yummy bread)
And that is just for 5 days!!!!! I want to avoid just making easy stuff like pasta, I want to create new flavours and dishes to add to our food repertoire. I want to enjoy the time and not just pine for a nice steak.
So I made a start and went shopping to ensure we had all the many many vegetables required to make these dishes. Couldn't find good avocados or parsnips though. Oh well will try another shop on Monday, can't be that difficult.
So have you chosen to give up anything?
How did you chose it?
It's not too late, to join in the challenge......
Do let me know.
Wot no hair posts
I have not blogged recently much about hair or lack of it. It therefore seems fraudulent of me to use the title Bold, Bald and Beautiful. Where are all the alopecia stories???
Is it that they are not there anymore?
Have I exhausted the topic?
Well to be honest I am not sure.
I think its because everything else has taken over. We have had a rocky start to the new year. Three events that have knocked the wind out of our sails and that on top of quite a significant work agenda. So as much as I have hair thoughts and alopecia moments, they have not found their outing. They seemed to have just stayed a passing thought and have gotten railroaded by something more urgent or significant.
So hang in there, those of you who like the insights into the life a wig boding baldy, I will be back soon.
Til then happy Sunday.
Is it that they are not there anymore?
Have I exhausted the topic?
Well to be honest I am not sure.
I think its because everything else has taken over. We have had a rocky start to the new year. Three events that have knocked the wind out of our sails and that on top of quite a significant work agenda. So as much as I have hair thoughts and alopecia moments, they have not found their outing. They seemed to have just stayed a passing thought and have gotten railroaded by something more urgent or significant.
So hang in there, those of you who like the insights into the life a wig boding baldy, I will be back soon.
Til then happy Sunday.
Good Vandalism
Whilst vandalism is generally frowned upon and seen as bad, I did have to grin when I saw this recently.
I take the same route to work every day. There is always one particular spot where the traffic lights seem to always be red, where I have to stop for a little while. A smart marketing executive had worked this out as right there, there is always a big billboard advertised some high end product. My guess is that this spot drives a lot of business and interest.
Earlier this week whilst stopping, I saw the below poster.
I was so shocked, I actually chose to miss the green light sequence, so I could find my camera (lets be clear, I mean my phone) and take the below photo.

Even if you don't read German, the image tells it all. The white sheep is kicking the black sheep out of its country. The text is suggesting that by kicking out the black sheep, Switzerland will be safer with less criminals.
I am not a political animal, but I did take offensive to this poster.
The day after however, at the same stop, I saw the poster slightly amended. See below.

I approved wholeheartedly. The colouring-in of the one sheep and the addition of a few small words, made this campaign a whole lot more appealing.
Well done to this brave vandal.
I hope the poster stays up a little while longer now and the message spreads.
I take the same route to work every day. There is always one particular spot where the traffic lights seem to always be red, where I have to stop for a little while. A smart marketing executive had worked this out as right there, there is always a big billboard advertised some high end product. My guess is that this spot drives a lot of business and interest.
Earlier this week whilst stopping, I saw the below poster.
I was so shocked, I actually chose to miss the green light sequence, so I could find my camera (lets be clear, I mean my phone) and take the below photo.
Even if you don't read German, the image tells it all. The white sheep is kicking the black sheep out of its country. The text is suggesting that by kicking out the black sheep, Switzerland will be safer with less criminals.
I am not a political animal, but I did take offensive to this poster.
The day after however, at the same stop, I saw the poster slightly amended. See below.
I approved wholeheartedly. The colouring-in of the one sheep and the addition of a few small words, made this campaign a whole lot more appealing.
Well done to this brave vandal.
I hope the poster stays up a little while longer now and the message spreads.
Roses and Scones
One of my closest and longest friends came for a visit this weekend. She had not been to my house for about 10 years. Seems mad but it's true.
So what did we do??
Well this might make you laugh........
We baked scones together.

Yup that was our highlight and believe me there was a few to chose from!
Not only were they fantastic, but the process in how we got there, covered everything about why we had become and still remain friends.
We love the same things
We have the same values
We appreciate each others strengths
We mock each others deficiencies
We listen to each others ideas
We want to learn from each others experiences
We allow the other to take the lead when they are most passionate
We allow ourselves to be wrong
We don't care about how we come across - we just are our raw selves
We appreciate the good of life
We are grateful
and all that in making a batch of scones.
There is a lot to be said about growing up together and knowing where each other has come from.
And this weekend my girls got to enjoy a part of that. And how they enjoyed it.
The roses were bought whilst shopping for the ingredients, but the roses are special in ways beyond the flower.

Friends are magic as are roses.
So what did we do??
Well this might make you laugh........
We baked scones together.

Yup that was our highlight and believe me there was a few to chose from!
Not only were they fantastic, but the process in how we got there, covered everything about why we had become and still remain friends.
We love the same things
We have the same values
We appreciate each others strengths
We mock each others deficiencies
We listen to each others ideas
We want to learn from each others experiences
We allow the other to take the lead when they are most passionate
We allow ourselves to be wrong
We don't care about how we come across - we just are our raw selves
We appreciate the good of life
We are grateful
and all that in making a batch of scones.
There is a lot to be said about growing up together and knowing where each other has come from.
And this weekend my girls got to enjoy a part of that. And how they enjoyed it.
The roses were bought whilst shopping for the ingredients, but the roses are special in ways beyond the flower.

Friends are magic as are roses.
Good bye to some wonderful memories
It was a regular Thursday evening and I got home at around 6.30. I knew the family would be out, as they had had to nip out last minute for something.
I did my usual thing on entry and called out to them as I entered just in case they were back. Nothing. Still and quiet. As I got into the living room, the door to the garden was open, it was a little unusual but given the kids run in and out all the time, I just cursed them under my breath and closed it over.
I quickly got on with my planned call and thought nothing of it. Pottering and chatting away down the phone for the next half an hour. The family arrived back shortly after and the evening began.
Hubbie was less tolerant of the door being left open and set to find out who and why this had happened. It quickly transpired that no one had been out. Oh well I thought, another one of those things with no explanations. However Hubbie smelt a rat. After going out into the garden, he found footprints from the fence into the house. Someone had broken in.
I was shocked. Must have been kids, breaking in but they had took nothing and there were no footprints so we had gotten off or?
Well a quick look into the drawers, cupboards and secret hideouts confirmed, we had been burgled. Anything of any value had been taken. Although they had disturbed nothing, infact so much so I had not noticed. They had left PC's, iPads etc, and gone straight for sources of money and jewelry. And bingo they had found it. Why oh why were my valuables in such obvious places.
To cut a long story short, they had clearly been careful and purposeful and had not wanted us to notice they had been in, however I guess I had disturbed them, hence the door being left open. Wow! It also transpired they had only had 23 minutes to conduct their business.
So whilst we are deeply saddened with the event, they had not trashed our house, took everything of value. They even left my wedding ring on my night desk. My naivety thought it was them being nice (yeah right) but someone quickly pointed out that it was engraved thus not of interest to such professional thiefs. Well whatever the reason, I am thankful for them leaving that.
So what have I learned.
1. Take photos of your valuables so the police have a chance of finding them.
2. Do not store your valuables in your bedside cabinet.
3. If there is something suspicious, don't ignore it, trust your instincts.
4. It is "only" money. They did not hurt us.
So on wards and upwards and hear is hoping, that they got what they wanted and now will stop...........
I did my usual thing on entry and called out to them as I entered just in case they were back. Nothing. Still and quiet. As I got into the living room, the door to the garden was open, it was a little unusual but given the kids run in and out all the time, I just cursed them under my breath and closed it over.
I quickly got on with my planned call and thought nothing of it. Pottering and chatting away down the phone for the next half an hour. The family arrived back shortly after and the evening began.
Hubbie was less tolerant of the door being left open and set to find out who and why this had happened. It quickly transpired that no one had been out. Oh well I thought, another one of those things with no explanations. However Hubbie smelt a rat. After going out into the garden, he found footprints from the fence into the house. Someone had broken in.
I was shocked. Must have been kids, breaking in but they had took nothing and there were no footprints so we had gotten off or?
Well a quick look into the drawers, cupboards and secret hideouts confirmed, we had been burgled. Anything of any value had been taken. Although they had disturbed nothing, infact so much so I had not noticed. They had left PC's, iPads etc, and gone straight for sources of money and jewelry. And bingo they had found it. Why oh why were my valuables in such obvious places.
To cut a long story short, they had clearly been careful and purposeful and had not wanted us to notice they had been in, however I guess I had disturbed them, hence the door being left open. Wow! It also transpired they had only had 23 minutes to conduct their business.
So whilst we are deeply saddened with the event, they had not trashed our house, took everything of value. They even left my wedding ring on my night desk. My naivety thought it was them being nice (yeah right) but someone quickly pointed out that it was engraved thus not of interest to such professional thiefs. Well whatever the reason, I am thankful for them leaving that.
So what have I learned.
1. Take photos of your valuables so the police have a chance of finding them.
2. Do not store your valuables in your bedside cabinet.
3. If there is something suspicious, don't ignore it, trust your instincts.
4. It is "only" money. They did not hurt us.
So on wards and upwards and hear is hoping, that they got what they wanted and now will stop...........
The final planning
Following a conversation with some good friends, one subject has been on my mind.
Funeral planning. Yup sounds morbid. But actually when there is no reason to be thinking of it, it is more of a fun exercise, there is no heaviness involved as the reality seems a whole lifetime away.
As we were lightly chatting about funeral planning we were all aligned that these ceremonies should honour the wishes of the deceased. We felt any service or ceremony should be a reflection of the personality and style of the person who had passed.
Yet unless explicit wishes have been left about how the event should be conducted, isn't it impossible to know exactly what the wishes of the deceased would be?
So it led us to agree that we should all have a plan for our own funerals and to keep it in a safe place, to be found at the right time.
There are many things to be considered, the music, the speakers, the tone, the location and the food and drink of course!
So here are my thoughts:
1. I would want a few speakers, people who knew me best. Their words need to be honest, real and they should tell stories that make people smile and chuckle. Not too embarrassing but I guess the best stories might need to be! I trust you here guys.
2. I would want a moment, where people laughed out loud and had a strong memory of the person who I was.
3. There would maybe be a song that people associated with me, maybe one that I danced crazy to at a party once. Not sure what the song would be.
4. Location is a tricky one, but right now I would have to plunge for my home city in Switzerland.
5. Ashes, well given I am a pragmatic and practical person I would like to also be that in my passing, so I would like my ashes to be scattered on the tomatoes at the bottom of the garden. I am not sure even if this is allowed, but again to honour me, I would encourage those of you left to make the choice, to do it anyway and pretend you never knew there were such regulations :-) Blame it on me!
6. Also there would need to be a gathering afterwards, it would have to be somewhere I liked to go, not too stuffy and dull, and there needs to be good wine served and actually a few mojitos would not got a miss.
7. And definitely crisps. Tons of salt and vinegar crisps, ideally Walkers and not the Swiss ones by Lays - they are not vinegary enough.
8. And finally, I want everyone there. No excuses. I will leave a sum of money for the travel fund, so remember to remind those who are sorting out my finances that I wrote that here!!
So these are my first thoughts, I might need to deepen them a little.
Anything I have missed or could add to make the thinking more complete.
Is there something you have ever thought about?
Do let me know........
Funeral planning. Yup sounds morbid. But actually when there is no reason to be thinking of it, it is more of a fun exercise, there is no heaviness involved as the reality seems a whole lifetime away.
As we were lightly chatting about funeral planning we were all aligned that these ceremonies should honour the wishes of the deceased. We felt any service or ceremony should be a reflection of the personality and style of the person who had passed.
Yet unless explicit wishes have been left about how the event should be conducted, isn't it impossible to know exactly what the wishes of the deceased would be?
So it led us to agree that we should all have a plan for our own funerals and to keep it in a safe place, to be found at the right time.
There are many things to be considered, the music, the speakers, the tone, the location and the food and drink of course!
So here are my thoughts:
1. I would want a few speakers, people who knew me best. Their words need to be honest, real and they should tell stories that make people smile and chuckle. Not too embarrassing but I guess the best stories might need to be! I trust you here guys.
2. I would want a moment, where people laughed out loud and had a strong memory of the person who I was.
3. There would maybe be a song that people associated with me, maybe one that I danced crazy to at a party once. Not sure what the song would be.
4. Location is a tricky one, but right now I would have to plunge for my home city in Switzerland.
5. Ashes, well given I am a pragmatic and practical person I would like to also be that in my passing, so I would like my ashes to be scattered on the tomatoes at the bottom of the garden. I am not sure even if this is allowed, but again to honour me, I would encourage those of you left to make the choice, to do it anyway and pretend you never knew there were such regulations :-) Blame it on me!
6. Also there would need to be a gathering afterwards, it would have to be somewhere I liked to go, not too stuffy and dull, and there needs to be good wine served and actually a few mojitos would not got a miss.
7. And definitely crisps. Tons of salt and vinegar crisps, ideally Walkers and not the Swiss ones by Lays - they are not vinegary enough.
8. And finally, I want everyone there. No excuses. I will leave a sum of money for the travel fund, so remember to remind those who are sorting out my finances that I wrote that here!!
So these are my first thoughts, I might need to deepen them a little.
Anything I have missed or could add to make the thinking more complete.
Is there something you have ever thought about?
Do let me know........
What are your big rocks?
This week most people are back to work or school and schedules and routines kick back in. I am finding getting out of bed so hard so far, my eyes burn and refuse to open for at least 10 minutes of being awake. That said, within days it will become usual again as the holiday relaxed state fades into the background. Sigh!
However this week has been marvelous in many ways. It has been a little quieter than usual, and it has offered up a little time to reconnect with friends over lunch and coffee and in my case, quiet time at my desk to plan in breaks throughput the year, ensure time for holidays is blocked and ensure the important stuff gets planned.
It seems that others have been doing this too. As one friend quoted, this week has been about putting the big rocks in.
She reminded me of the story
So what are your big rocks? Are they in?
What about that project? That girls weekend? That play you wanted to book?
I reckon by Friday the slot for doing this has gone, so what is stopping you?
However this week has been marvelous in many ways. It has been a little quieter than usual, and it has offered up a little time to reconnect with friends over lunch and coffee and in my case, quiet time at my desk to plan in breaks throughput the year, ensure time for holidays is blocked and ensure the important stuff gets planned.
It seems that others have been doing this too. As one friend quoted, this week has been about putting the big rocks in.
She reminded me of the story
So what are your big rocks? Are they in?
What about that project? That girls weekend? That play you wanted to book?
I reckon by Friday the slot for doing this has gone, so what is stopping you?
Trial run hair day
Wearing wigs needs a bit of planning.
As I wear synthetic ones and not real hair ones, they need to be frequently replaced. I change them about every 4 months. That way they always look fresh and perky, rather than tired and flat. And when I go to the hairdressers to get a new one, I tend to pick up two or three, so I never have to be in a last minute panic to chose a new one.
As I change the styles all the time, as well as the colours, I always take the opportunity of the holiday break to make the switch. Over the years I have also learned not to wear a wig for the first time on a long work day.
Wigs are a bit like new shoes, they may feel good in the shop, but once you are out and about, you notice them rubbing your heels or squeezing your toes, so like new shoes, its good to break your wig in slowly and see how it feels once you are out of the shop and walking down the high street.
So yesterday I took my wig for its trial day out.
I needed to check if it was too tight, to see if the fringe fell into my eyes, to check if it itches or slips. There are lots of possible pain points and its best to know what they are when you are in a safe environment so you can quickly make the changes needed if you can. That could include cutting some strands, wearing a hairband underneath to keep it snug on the head or having a hair grip close at hand to force down those pesky stray hairs.
So how did it do?
Well apart from it being quite bouffy and puffy on the top, it fared well. Its a keeper.
So now we are ready for the work year to commence!
As I wear synthetic ones and not real hair ones, they need to be frequently replaced. I change them about every 4 months. That way they always look fresh and perky, rather than tired and flat. And when I go to the hairdressers to get a new one, I tend to pick up two or three, so I never have to be in a last minute panic to chose a new one.
As I change the styles all the time, as well as the colours, I always take the opportunity of the holiday break to make the switch. Over the years I have also learned not to wear a wig for the first time on a long work day.
Wigs are a bit like new shoes, they may feel good in the shop, but once you are out and about, you notice them rubbing your heels or squeezing your toes, so like new shoes, its good to break your wig in slowly and see how it feels once you are out of the shop and walking down the high street.
So yesterday I took my wig for its trial day out.
I needed to check if it was too tight, to see if the fringe fell into my eyes, to check if it itches or slips. There are lots of possible pain points and its best to know what they are when you are in a safe environment so you can quickly make the changes needed if you can. That could include cutting some strands, wearing a hairband underneath to keep it snug on the head or having a hair grip close at hand to force down those pesky stray hairs.
So how did it do?
Well apart from it being quite bouffy and puffy on the top, it fared well. Its a keeper.
So now we are ready for the work year to commence!
And the 2016 word is.........
I have thought long and hard about my word for the new year. I take my word very seriously as it can become a compass at times when I need a form of guidance. Also when I commit to something I tend to take action and ensure I live up to the intent. So whatever word I take, I have to be willing to live up to it!
I have played with a few ideas.
I have had a few conversations with lovely friends to hear their words and to bounce off mine. I have heard:
Moments (love this one!)
And after these conversations and my morning reflections whilst lying lazily I bed, I have landed with DARE.
I have to confess, I have a nervousness with the word. I am a little scared of it if I am honest. As I really don't know where it can lead me and what trouble it can get me it. Does it mean that I am daring myself to make the controversial decision, maybe it is about daring to be honest, daring to change a plan, daring to live into my future self, daring to write a book, daring to go to new places, daring to do the unexpected, daring to live up to my capabilities, daring to do what I want to do, daring to go bald, daring to wear my headscarf at work, daring to express all the emotions I feel. Just taking one step further and being a little more daring.
If I take this word, I have to confess I don't know what it will bring. Stable, my word of 2015, was easy to imagine, but Dare is very different. Dare is exciting and scary.
So I will let you know how it works for me and you let me know how yours works for you.
Have a great start to what promises to be a wonderful year.
I have thought long and hard about my word for the new year. I take my word very seriously as it can become a compass at times when I need a form of guidance. Also when I commit to something I tend to take action and ensure I live up to the intent. So whatever word I take, I have to be willing to live up to it!
I have played with a few ideas.
I have had a few conversations with lovely friends to hear their words and to bounce off mine. I have heard:
Moments (love this one!)
And after these conversations and my morning reflections whilst lying lazily I bed, I have landed with DARE.
I have to confess, I have a nervousness with the word. I am a little scared of it if I am honest. As I really don't know where it can lead me and what trouble it can get me it. Does it mean that I am daring myself to make the controversial decision, maybe it is about daring to be honest, daring to change a plan, daring to live into my future self, daring to write a book, daring to go to new places, daring to do the unexpected, daring to live up to my capabilities, daring to do what I want to do, daring to go bald, daring to wear my headscarf at work, daring to express all the emotions I feel. Just taking one step further and being a little more daring.
If I take this word, I have to confess I don't know what it will bring. Stable, my word of 2015, was easy to imagine, but Dare is very different. Dare is exciting and scary.
So I will let you know how it works for me and you let me know how yours works for you.
Have a great start to what promises to be a wonderful year.
December High and January Blues?
The end of the year is always a wonderful time. In fact December is so packed with activities and things to do that the whole month is a whir of excitement. As a planner, I am in my element in December as I plan for dinner parties, friends gifts, Christmas and New Year events etc. I thrive on the adrenalin.
So when December is over, I often feel a sadness as it feels likes it all over.
The sadness I just felt now. All the fun events that I had been looking forward to for so long, had now happened, all those moments with friends and family had happened and we're now just memories. January 1st is a day that marks the era of new beginnings, for me however January always starts with a moment of sadness.
Anyone else get that feeling? The January 1st blues.
And all starts to turn around.
I start thinking about the new events coming up, the annual traditions that lie ahead, the February school holidays which are only 5 weeks away, the friends I want to invite over for dinner, the nights out already in the calendar, books I am going to read. Then I start to remember that each month has its own magic. Each season brings its own personality and its own set of activities. The snow, the first warm day of Spring, lazy Summer days, the garden blooming and the circle of life just keeps on going.
So whilst I am sad that 2015 has gone and all the fun festive parties are over, I do feel so glad to have had them all. Full of gratitude that I have felt that love and friendship so many times, that I have laughed with many, been relied on by many and sought out help from many.
2015 was good to me and December was full of magic.
So I will embrace the sadness as I know it will pass very quickly.
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