Hair washing and eating

When I wash my hair, I need to set a timer.

The wig needs to soak for 10 minutes in shampoo.

Then it needs to soak for 10 minutes in conditioner.

Its nothing more complicated than that.

Earlier this week, I started the process just before we sat down to eat. I have to set a timer, otherwise I forget and leave it in water for hours on end.

So just as we were finishing off our meal, the 10 minute buzzer went.

Understandably my daughter said, "What's that noise?"

I explained that I was washing my hair.

To which my husband chuckled, and said "There are not many people who can do that?"

"What I said?"

"Eat their dinner with the family and wash their hair at the same time"


And very good point.

Once again, alopecia wins over having regular hair.

Us baldies can optimise our time better! Multitasking was never so easy!!

The first thing you do

I have begun to realise the first thing I do when I get to work matters.

It is a time when I have the most energy and the most inspiration, so I really need to use this time well.

So I have started consciously deciding what my first action of the day is.

Will it be review a project? Will it be to look at my calendar for next week to see if it is shaped in the way I like? Will it be to pass by a colleagues desk to see how they are doing?

Whatever it is, I really enjoy it.

It seems that this sets the tone for the day. And it is usually something that I do well and thus has an impact on my overall planning and quite honestly my mood too.

I often feel I have accomplished something if I do this well.

So what is it you do first thing in your day?

Do you find you have the best moment of your day at this time too?  Or is your time somewhere else in the day?

Have you already made your impact for the day?

Let me know.

My philosophical babe

My little one has been called "philosophical" by her teacher a number of times.

I found this very cute, but couldn't really identify with it. What was she on about?

However increasingly so, I have heard some very lovely phrases from my little 6 year old, which gave me an understanding into what her teacher was saying.

Example one:

She had to learn a poem for school. It was about 12 lines long, so not so easy.
She practised and practised.

So much so, within a few hours, she had nailed it and had it word perfect.

After one of her recitals, she said:

"Mummy, if I like something, I am good at it, yet if I don't like something, I don't get good at it"

Yeah - dead right!

It's so true. And she has it all worked out. I am sure leading psychologists have spent millions researching and proving that, which she just worked out very simply.

The second lot of wise words, came whilst on a bike ride home from the supermarket.

Example two:

Her little legs were tired and she needed to rest.

She then began singing whilst she was peddalling.

She then said. " Mum, I have realised that if I sing whilst I pedal, the time goes much quicker and my legs hurt less"

Indeed it's true!

The beauty of distraction.

So there you have it, my little one is a born philosopher. Either that, or she just says what she feels.

Proud moments.

Pet peeve

Normally I end my posts with a question or inquiry. Today I start with it.

What is your pet peeve?

What is the thing that irrationally irritates you?

What is the one thing, that people do, that makes you react, in a particularly strong way?

What really annoys you, in a way that it really gets under your skin?

Mine was exposed yesterday. It took me a while to understand what was happening, but now I am clear as to what happened.

It was something little, and yet I had a visceral reaction to it. I was angry. Yet my reaction did not seem to match the situation. However I could not shake my mood. I was deeply irritated.

So what was it?

Well as said, it was something little.

I was in an exchange with a colleague. We could not find a solution that worked for both of us. This in itself is not unusual. However when the impasse was reached, my colleague started using strong language.  I dont mean swearing or vulgarities, but rather using strong words such as "unnaccpetable", "not possible" and "you will have to .......".

As a consequence, I stopped the dialogue.  It felt like a form of bullying. I felt unnecessary pressure was being applied.

I slept on it and asked a few people for their take on the situation.

My conclsuion, in short I had a reaction to someone abusing their position and amount of power.

I will deal with this situation. However it was good for me to reflect on my reaction.

In short, I dont like bullys and its as simple as that!

So what is your pet peeve? What causes you to have such a reaction?

Do tell?

It's not allergies, it's alopecia!

One of the lesser understood and lesser known side effects of alopecia is the loss of eyelashes.

There is clearly a cosmetic or aesthetic need for eyelashes, but beyond that, eyelashes are actually very useful.

As I said in an earlier post, eyelashes are the gutters of the human face.

Anyway at the moment, I have red eyes.

It is also high pollen season.

I have red eyes, not because of the pollen, but because somehow my eyes are not being protected from the environment, the wind, the dust, whatever.

So I am running around with big red eyes. Not a great look is it ladies?

So when people ask, do you have allergies, my response is "No".

However I am yet to complete the sentence with "No, I don't have allergies, I have alopecia Universalis"

Maybe I will save that for the next unsuspecting kind person concerned about my wellbeing!

What do you think?

Unanswered emails

I love getting emails from nice people and I really enjoy hearing how my friends are doing.
However depending on the time that I read the email, my speed of response varies.
Sometimes I respond immediately. Usually  in short with some of my initial reactions and thoughts, other times I ponder the response and sit down with a glass of wine and reply at length.

There are also the times that I completely forget to reply.  Ooopps.

What I have begun to realize is that when I don't immediately reply, I spend each day thinking of that person for a few minutes. When I see their name in my inbox, I often smile and think nice things of them. Sometimes even of the fun things we have done together.

I think that is also nice.

So it's not that I am ignoring you if I don't reply to any of your emails, in fact it is often the opposite. It is that I am actually thinking of you every day until I do.

They allow me to be a Mother

Yesterday was Mothers Day in many parts of the world.
Last year I did a tribute to some of the Mothers I know. See here.

This year I want to pay tribute to the two little people who allow me to have the title "Mother".

Daughter One - age 11 - goes under many names including Noodles, Munchkin or Lililoops
The things that I love the most about her are:

She is kind
She is resilient
She knows how to get what she needs
She asks pertinent and very interesting questions
She is very capable and independent
She can amuse herself for hours, playing school or hotel reception
She never ever gives up, when others would
She will give anything a try
She swims like a fish
She is not mean or unkind to anyone and doesn't understand why others are

Daughter Two - age 6 - goes under many names including Pumpkin, Fiafoops or Poopsie
The things that I love the most about her are:

She shares all her things
She likes climbing trees
She takes pleasure in beautiful things including laying her clothes on the floor the night before so creatively and perfectly
She laughs at silly things
She eats fruit and vegetables in masses
She enjoys being read to and going to sleep at night
She is philosophical and asks big questions
She likes to learn
She likes to bake cakes
She comes into my bed every morning for a cuddle before I get up

Without them I would not be able to be a mother, so today its all about them. I thank them for loving me so much, for all the cuddles, the card games, for needing me. I thank them for tolerating me for rushing them, for my impatience and for the times when I am too busy doing other things.

And I thank them for allowing me to be their mother.

Happy Mothers day!

My hair was perfect - I just did not know

Like many people I am self critical. I am either too much this or too little that.

I don't think I am particualary obsessive about what I need to improve or change, but it would be fair to say that I don't sit back and say "I am happy with my figure or I have radiant skin" for example.

I remember in my twenties I was always striving for the perfect hairstyle. Everyone around me had gorgeous, silky hair. I was always struggling with mine. Should I go short? Should I have layers? Should I change the colour? Was it frumpy? Was I fashionable enough? Did it need curls or was straight best?

I was never satisfied with my hair.

The photo I came across in my early twenties shook me.
As I looked at it, I saw a sensational head of locks.

Shining and flowing, just like in the magazines.

I was taken aback about how perfect my hair was.

Why wasnt I aware of this at the time?

It was a rare moment of sadness too. When I looked at that thick dark hair, I wanted it back.

I wanted to be that person again. I wanted to flick the long fringe over my shoulder.
I wanted to feel the length and the heaviness of the long hair.
I wanted to run my fingers through it one more time.

Yet I can't. Its over.

However it did make me think What do I have to day that is perfect. What do I have today that in 10 years time I will look back and say, gosh I was so lucky to have that.

So today is for taking stock and being mindful of what I have now.. Today is for being greatful for the perfectness of it. For what I have now.

Dirndls and bows

As a child I had an image of the Swiss alps and German culture.

It always involved national dress and mountains.

Maybe I watched too much Heidi or the Sound of Music, but I did and still do, find the German “Dirndl”s and “Lederhosen” quite lovely.

For those who don't know, a dirndl consists of a bodice, a blouse, a full skirt and an apron. Fully embroidered in beautiful colours.

Last year, my husband and I decided to invest in a family kit.

It was inspired by two things

1. At our wedding (nigh on 15 years ago) my husbands wonderful friends, put on a show which included them all wearing leather trousers and thigh slapping their way through their self created German polka. As a result all my husbands friends invested in lederhosen, side buckled shoes and checked shirts. However the groom, who was not part of the plan, was the only who didn’t own an outfit.

2. We attended the Stuttgart Bierfest last May, and it was a glorious day, the girls had so much fun.  Many of the people were dressed up in beautiful German national outfits. Our girls were so impressed.  As were we.  We then and there decided we had to buy some.

So a few weeks later, following a debate with our friends on where to buy them, we headed out to the shops.

The choice was really good and it took us a fair few hours to pick the colours and styles. We loved them all. After, honestly hours of trying on various different styles, we made our choices.  All four matching.

However the story of the blog today is around the bows and not just the purchase. Each of the girls outfits has a long ribbon round the waist and gets tied in a bow. However how you tie it is very relevant.

The placement of the knot on the apron is an indicator of the woman's marital status. A knot tied on the left side indicates that she is single, a knot tied on the right means that she is married, engaged or otherwise "taken", a knot tied in the front centre means that she is a virgin and a knot tied at the back indicates that the woman is widowed

I am glad I knew this before I made a show of myself.

Don't you love culture?

The photos and the good old days

It is impossible to look through old photos without the emotions of that time surfacing.
You just can’t stop the rush of feeling, it just floods in.

This weekend, whilst sifting through many boxes of photos I realized that photos really capture the good times. I mean that is when the cameras usually come out, right?

The cameras are always tucked away in the sad times, the bad times and the times where you need help or a break. It would be odd if we were snapping away when someone was crying or having a fight.  So it is easy to reminisce on the good old times as the photos only show the good days.

The smiles, the happy faces, the new born child, the weddings, Christmas, birthdays and the beach holidays.

It was hard to imagine that through all these memories, there were deaths, arguments, divorces, frustrations, jealousy and illnesses.

But of course they were there. No one’s life is void of these.

So it was a reminder to myself to not get sucked into thinking that the past was always full of amazing moments, that the best days are behind us and that things were easier and happier then.
A photo is a snapshot. A moment.
Getting pregnant wasn’t easy, the pregnancy wasn’t easy, the birth was not easy, yet the smiling bundle of the new arrival in daddy’s arms is so precious and one of the most wonderful photographs I came across.

I am so happy to have captured so many magical moments, I will treasure these. However if I ever catch myself thinking that the past was full of smiles just like the photos, I guess I need to remnd myself that I am deluded.

Final note: Anybody who is an active facebooker, double note to self, other peoples lives are no better than yours, even if their constant postings and photos are full of joy and happiness. Noone posts the dark side!

What do your photos show??