Have you seen the pumpkins?

At the weekend, we went to an amusement park. It's a pretty funky one with lots of amazing and spectacular rides. Plenty for the big ones and the small ones.

We are most defintely not early risers on the weekend, we prefer a little bit of a lazier start, with a coffee here, a little read of a book or the paper, and often with pajamas on, however this morning was different.

Given the long queues for the big rollercoasters and the best themed rides, you can expect to wait sometimes up to an hour. However if you stayed overnight, you get access to the park a whole 30 minutes before the public. So that's what we did. We set the alarms for 7am, dragged ourselves to breakfast and got ourselves ready to be at the entrance at 8.25! We were going to the be the first in!

We did it, not even a big drama nor screaming, just laser sharp focus on the goal! We had our rides planned out and the respective routes to maximise the time.We also decided to divide and conquer to ensure we all got to do what we wished without having to stand in a long line.

As expected Daddy and the oldest ran off immediately with the adrenalin pumping, I was also anticipating doing the same, yet I felt a different focus from my youngest.

So we walked into the park and heading to the ride of choice. My pace was fast as we had gotten up early and I wanted to maximise the 30 minutes, but as I was marching past the gardens and the displays, I heard a little voice. "Mummy you're not looking at all the pumpkins, can we stop and look at them"

Seriously??? We got up early to look at pumpkins???????????

Yup, she was completely serious. So that's what we did. We slowed right down and looked at what was right in front of us all the time. Now that was a lesson to me!!

I was so foccused on the next thing that I ignored the present, I ignored what was happening around me and I was teaching my daughter to do the same thing. I was ignoring the beauty of the moment.

So we spent nigh on 15 minutes admiring the displays and you know what, that was just fine!!
The pumpkins were arranged beautifully and they were great to look at.

So what else am I missing?
What else have I walked past?
What are your pumpkin equivalents?

and also, what else can my daughter teach me!!!

Happy pumpkin watching eveyone.

Had enough of this hair

This week I have been at a meeting in the UK. I left home at some ungodly hour on Monday and now its Thursday and I am still not home.
I am not grumbling about the nature of my work as I do love what I do, however its the intensity that gets to me.

You think I am talking about the lack of breaks and downtime, well this time, nope! Its the hair thing again.

Seriously, having to wear a wig from dawn till dusk and do it for 4 days in a row, is quite frankly awful.

My head itches, I feel overheated and sweaty and I feel massively self conscious. When a wig gets tired and needs a wash or a good brush, it tends to stick out at the back. It starts to look very wiggy and very unnatural. I hate this feeling. I constantly feel the need to run my hand over th back of my head to flatten the hair to make it look normal.

I always sit at the back of the room to ensure that I avoid this being spotted.

So as the time comes to an end and I head home, I dont just look forward to my own bed, a hug from the people I love most, but also a chance to take off this goddamn wig.


10 things that make me happy - 9 & 10

This week I have really looked forward to posting these blogs, just the anticipation of capturing what makes me happy has made me happy. Can it be that the act of thinking about happiness can actually trigger it? Who knows, but I hope this weeks musing have given you also some form of reflection and a little pleasure.

So today is the last update as we have now reached 10 and off we go.....

9. Planning. I love a good plan. I really enjoy thinking through an event, it could be a dinner party, a holiday, a day trip or visitors coming. I enjoy thinking it through step by step and planning for all eventualities, which train to take, which food to buy, which bedding to put on. Best of all is of course when the plan gets executed beautifully. I derive a lot of happiness when things go well, especially when the plan was a little complex and the fact that I had thought through these things and planned around them. Yes a good plan makes me happy (probably with a list or two involved too)

10. Seeing my children happy / achieve sucess. When one of the children do something they are proud of, for example play a song on the flute with no mistakes, be part of the school dance routine, when they learn a new skill. When they finish their part and they beam with pride, that makes me happy. When I hear the kids laugh out loud, because they are having fun with a friend, when they are happy, I am happy.

Maybe thats a simple as happiness is, its contagious and the more we play a part in others' happiness, the happier we end up being.

So there we have it. These are my 10. I am sure they will change over time, I can imagine some things come on the list, whilst others come off, but I am sure there remains a thread about what makes us happy.

How has your list come on?

Have you finalised your 10?

Whatever and wherever you are, I send you happy wishes......

10 things that make me happy - 7 & 8

I thought this was going to get harder, however today the ideas came flooding in.
Memories of the things that make me happy keep popping into my head for example, receiving a parcel in the post, lying in bed on a Saturday morning doing nothing, finishing making something like a cake or a even a piece of work. However I am trying not to capture the fleeting momentary happiness but search for deeper ones, possible ones that sustain the feeling, the sensation of happiness. That said one of todays is a little shallow! Oh well.

So here is where I ended up.

7. A great conversation with a friend. In teen years, we called them DMC's - deep and meaningful conversations - and I guess that is the sentiment I am after. I love a good ole chat about things that matter. Best is a conversation where you help each other, feel comfortable to ask pertinent and provacative questions, to further the thinking and the ideas. I can remember many of them. These conversations are good for the soul. You can't plan these chats, as many things need to be at play, mood, environment and openness, and that for two people, but when things come together, these moments are beautiful. They are memorable. Best of all they are moments that can make a difference in your life.

8. Shopping and Looking good. Yes this one is superficial and in no way deep, but its honest. I love buying something that makes me feel special. Whether its a pair of sparkly high heeled shoes (yes my latest purchase) or a nice dress, if its bought with care and deliberation, I love these moments. Its not only the thrill of the purchase, I am also talking about the enjoyment of wearing the articles. I love looking in the mirror and admiring the new things, looking at my reflection and thinking yes that was the look I was after. There is something about how these new beautiful things make you feel. They may make you look prettier on the outside, but what I really like about them is that they give you confidence, they make you walk taller, hold your shoulders back more and overall make you feel great. So yes I gain happiness from new shoes and other such lovely items, especially when they were bought with someone who had fun with you on a happy day outing. 

Last ones tomorrow, are you keeping up?

10 things that make me happy - 5 & 6

So it gets harder to pinpoint the things that make you happy when the obvious ones have been stated, the thinking is longer and more reflective. And this is only with 5 and 6, cant imagine how its going to feel naming 9 and 10.

So here goes with the next two.

5. Going shopping on a weekend for some of our favourite foods and cooking this together. This could be after chosing a new recipe together from our favourite book or just picking some great things up from the supermarket that we intend to cook into something delectable. I enjoy hand picking the healthy ingredients and imaging how it will all come together. This is then followed by the anticipation of  the evening meal and then at some point, we actually start. This can include, music in the background, a glass of home brew, otherwise known as a cooking beer, to accompany the proces and sharing of tasks in the kitchen. The actual eating is also wonderful, but it is the whole process that makes me happy.

6. A view. This needs to be more specific I realise. But really I enjoy a good view. Inspired by this week, it can be a walk in the mountains, where the power and intensity of the surroundings provide peace, serenity and perspective. Yet I equally love the view of a river, a view of a busy shopping street, whilst I savour a warm drink and look on. But I have to confess, my favourite views are the ones where I can walk through and be part of it. Looking around at the colours, breathing in the smells and feeling the varying terrain under my feet, thats what I like. All whilst contemplating lifes little challenges. Yes happiness can be found in these moments.

More tomorrow.....

How is your list going?

10 things that make me happy - 3 & 4

So continuing the theme on what makes me happy I have the next two for todays installments.

3. Enjoying an activity together with my small little family. 
Now this may read easily, but this is not an easy one to achieve. Reason being is that we are a rather social family, so when it comes to weekends and holidays, we tend to be with other families and friends and do things together as a larger group. As wonderful as this, it does not allow my small family to enjoy an activity together, so we have to consciously carve out time, when it is just the four of us, to do something together. The second difficult part of this, is the word "enjoy". With two girls who are four years apart and who relish the idea of spoiling the others fun and to take a contrary and opposing view, it is nigh on impossible to find an activity that is deemed enjoyable by all four family members.  When one wants to go swimming, the other wants to stay home and bake. Yet when the stars align and we find ourselves as an intact family, spending time together, it is a moment of happiness. Rare and treasured.

4. Reading a book  in a cosy spot.
When I conjur up an image for this, it is me curled up on my living room sofa, the fire on and a blanket pulled up over my legs. I would have the possibility of reading for a longer time, and a chance of little interuption. It would of course be a fantastic novel, with interesting characters and a gripping storyline. To top this off, would be a hot cup of tea of coffee and maybe a few nice biscuits in a bowl on the table. This peaceful moment is really a treat and provides a source of happiness. However it could be anywhere and with various constellations, core to the activity is a book and a cosy place with at least 5 minutes of quiet.

Now off to ponder the next two......

10 things that make you happy

My sister was reading over the weekend whilst sitting in our living room. She looked so enviably calm and relaxed in the big red chair that I had to ask what she was reading.
She mentioned that it was a book about a woman whose life was falling apart, so she went on holiday for a week to find and define the things that made her happy.
They had to be specific. So sunshine would not be enough, it had to be a description on what specifically made her happy in the sunshine, where, with whom and doing what.

We began brainstorming our list whilst on our walk and realised it was quite hard. We never completed the list, but got some good ideas of what they could be. It is clear that everyone's list is different.

So this week on holiday I committ to making my list of the things that make me happy.
I will write two a day as I want to think them through and not just pump out a list.

My first two are:

1. Spending my time with my sister. It can be on holiday, going for a day shopping or reading together in a lounge. But spending time with my sister, hearing about what is going on for her and telling her stories from my life is what makes me happy.

2. Having a glass of bubbles or wine with my closest friends. It specifically is the first glass of the evening, where we know we have the whole evening in front of us and that there is a lot to talk about. It is typically in a nice place, where we will not be distracted by too many things, yet often inspired by our surroundings. Yes that makes me very happy.

Tomorrow is Tuesday and I intend to write numbers 3 and 4.

Why don't you join me this week and by Friday we can have own 10 things that make us happy written down. What we then do with this list is something else.

Off to walk up a mountain and ponder a few more!

Happy Monday everyone.

Games and silly stories

I love playing games

I think it has the possibility to bring people together in a new way. Games access our playful side and breakdown the barriers of hierarchy and personal style. The inner child suddenly pops out!

So at a work dinner that had the potential to be a bit formal, dare I stay stuffy, before the starters came, I asked the table of 8, Who wants to play a game?"

They were up for it, if not a little cautious.

At that point, I had no specific game in my mind, I was hoping that something suitable and creative would emerge. Past experience says it usual does.  I allowed my brain to kick in and went with a simple idea that included finding out more about each other, with an element of competition.

The task was, one person had to ask a question like: Who thinks they own the oldest item? Who believes they have the most interesting ancestor? Who has the most useful friend? Who has been part of an unusual / weird relationship?

Then if we believed we were a contender to win the category, we would raise our hand.  Then those people with raised hands, had to tell their stories and then the table would vote who had the best answer to the question.

It was hilarious and we learned so much about each other, often weird and wonderful. We had stories of healers, production line affairs, valuable and portable torsos and shoot downs in bars. It was great fun and to be recommended.

So what is your favourite game?

What do you do when the evening looks like it might be a little dull?

Do tell.....

The dangerous Dyson

So at a conference, the ladies bathrooms are a place of catch-up and news exchange. However todays quick break was filled with other things.

Whilst mid conversation with a colleague, I stuck my wet hands into one of these new Dyson hand dryers. Not only are they super loud, the force with which they blow is impressive. Its like a mini gale!

So much so that as I descended my hands into the machine, my wig blew high into the air. It just about clung on to my head, but the fringe and the sides clearly flew up as high as they could.

My colleague stared and then burst out laughing. She said "Imagine if it had flew off!". It was indeed a hilarious image, my hair being blown off by a Dyson hand dryer! We laughed out loud together for a few minutes!

It was such a nice moment, I was not embarrassed, nor ashamed. I was just able to share in a silly moment with a colleague.

I am so glad she reacted that way, she made it seem normal and funny. 

Well lets face it, it is kind of normal and funny these days.

How nice that time does begin to heal.......