Word of the year

Through many conversations and texts, I know the word of the year has gone a little viral. It seems that many of you have started the tradition and are finding a direction in the process. I love the fact that a few words on a blog, can cause a change in behaviour !!

So as the year draws to a close, it is time for a little reflection and a bit of foresight for 2016.

As a reminder, my word for 2015 was "stable"

Here is the link from January, when I announced it

Word for the Year 2015 - Stable

The word as you can see if you re read by post, came from a place of gratitude. I was happy with my lot in life and wanted more of the same. I felt lucky and blessed.

I commented that I wanted the below

I want my job to remain the same - stable
I want my home to remain the same - stable
I want my fitness level to remain the same - stable
I want my balance of my international travel and being at home to stay the same - stable
I want my relationships with my friends to remain the same - stable
I want my relationships with my family to stay the same - stable

So how did I do?

Well I live in the same house, do the same job, still exercise in way that suits me, I travelled a lot yet did not miss any meaningful events, I have had many a night out and visits with friends and have seen my family plenty. Sure there could be more contact, but I have no regrets and plenty of wonderful memories.

So hereby I claim success.

More importantly though is the impact of the word. It really acted as my compass, when choices were to be made, I called upon the power of the commitment I had made and it guided my choice. It really did. So it is with this knowledge that I start to think about my word for 2016. If it does have the power to drive behavior, then I better pick a good one. Glad I have a few days left.

The importance of cuddles

My girls have always welcomed babysitters. Let's face it they are way more fun than mum and dad. They usually let them have more TV, play games and quite simply have a little more freedom.

We also have a list of beautiful babysitters who adore our girls, so that helps.

A while ago, we left them for the evening in the safe hands of one of these babysitters. On return, she reported all had gone well and the night was as usual.

The next morning, my little one came to our room for her usual morning cuddle and started telling us about the evening. She then said "I don't like it when you go out mummy". I was a little surprised as I know they always enjoy the freedom of the babysitters. When asked why she said "The babysitter doesn't cuddle me the way you do before I go to sleep."

My heart melted.

I have been cuddling her every night before she goes to sleep, for over 8 years now, and if the truth be told, I do it more for me that for her, however in this usual rhythm I had forgotten how precious and amazing the action actually is. That special little cuddle.

So now when I cuddle her closely before the lights go off, I am more present in the moment, I know have a deeper understanding the importance of this small moment to us both.


Love is in the air

It must be the draw up to Christmas, but love is in the air.

I am feeling and hearing a lot of gratitude and appreciation for the work people are doing and for the contribution they are having. Be it through Christmas cards, thank you notes, group dinners, love is present.

Anyone else noticing it too?

The cynical part of me, says why do we have to wait til the end of the year to express our thanks to the people around us, and then I think, who cares?

Isn't it wonderful that we do it at least once a year?

So what have you heard from others about what they are grateful to you for? Have you been listening to the positive words people are saying about you? Or did you brush it off? I have a tendency to brush compliments off, but now and I again, I pause and listen and realize that the person giving the gift of gratitude is also getting something from the exchange and me brushing it off, is not very considerate!
This allows me to indulge and be gracious in the receiving of it.

Another question. Have you been showing your gratitude? Is there anyone left that you still need to reach out to and acknowledge their impact on your life?

There is still time.

So if you do nothing else today, grab a pen and paper, draft that email and go thank someone for something wonderful. Go on, do it right away.

It feels great and its contagious.

Go spread the love.

It was simply just fun

A few weeks ago I blogged about a situation we had found ourselves in where we needed help.
It was quite a dark time and we needed to hunker down and huddle together as a family. We brainstormed ideas, talked to specialists and devised a strategy. We even put together a mind map. Pretty eh!

A few weeks later, after multiple reaches out for help and receiving it, we are in a better place. We have made progress.

The signal of the better place came on Friday.
It did not come handed to us on a plate, we had to fight for it, but the gift came.
Through the local authorities we had uncovered a group where teens with difficulties come together. The idea is that cool kids hang out on Friday nights, so why can't kids with difficulties do the same.
Its a group of about 10 kids with a range of challenges, some more extreme than others, but they have one big thing in common. Somehow they don't fit the mold.

They come together and decide what they are going to do, be it bake, go the movies, play sports etc. and in a structured way and with supervision. It's actually a pretty cool agenda.

After coaxing my daughter to attend for a second time, she went along. She really enjoyed the first meeting, but somehow got cold feet as the days passed. So with a bit of gentle persuasion she agreed to try it again. Deep down in my heart of hearts, I wanted this group to work. My gut told me that she would fit in and be loved for who she is. The kids would see in her what we do. A kind, gentle little girl who just needs a safe circle of buddies. A wonderful and fun little girl who likes to joke and laugh but often doesn't find the smile.

As she walked in, the group beamed from ear to ear. Hi Lili one boy shouted, come sit here Lili said the other. Immediately they made space for her at the table and handed her the pens so she could join in the activity. She fit in. She was included.

Three hours later she was collected and was overflowing with excitement. She had loved it.
When I asked her what she loved about it, she said. "It was simply just fun"

And therin lay the magic!

Bookshelf !

Last night as I went home I was staggered to see the below bookshelf in my living room.
It blew me away. It was stunning. And seemingly came from nowhere.

For over a year we had discussed and debated buying or building a bookshelf as we both believe that books are part of our lives and as such should be on show. A room without books kind of misses a soul. So we were on the search for a book shelf to enhance our room.

So after deliberating, we decided we would have one made and we would use existing wood to capture history and the essence of former parts of the house. As far as I was concerned that was a project for 2020...........

You see when our old 70's designed fireplace was ripped out last year and replaced with a more modern glass version, the old oak mantelpiece that hung over the open fire was removed. At the time I asked the fireplace builders to keep the wood and to minimize the damage. I didn't know what I wanted it for, but I knew it would come in handy.

So this weekend, my husband sat at his deck with his ruler, pencil and squared paper and designed a bookshelf. I had recently come across a "book tree" through the internet searching or maybe even on facebook and had sent it to him as a form of inspiration.

Anyway today is Friday and yesterday I took the photo. Basically between Saturday drawing up the plans and ideas, my husband had found a carpenter and mobilized the whole thing!!!

It took 4 days - start to finish.  I would like to think I had some contribution to this in terms of inspiration and motivation, but it in terms of execution and follow through, my husband wins out!!

I am in awe of this piece of art/furniture and hugely impressed with my husbands ability to pull it off in 4 days.

So what project is on your mind? What is stopping you achieving it?
Everyone has a book tree problem waiting to be solved. Are you going to solve your this year?