Young philosophers

On a miserable bank holiday day, what better to do than visit a museum. The one we chose was about history. It had a travelling exhibition about the history of watches.

It was relatively interesting.

However here comes the fun part.

There was a tree at the end, where you could hang your thoughts onto.
And the question that was being asked for you to reflect on was,

What does time mean to you?

Many people had posted many lovely and profound thoughts, time is freedom, time is a gift, time is for each other, time is for eating and so on.

Our kids unprompted took the pen and wrote the following onto a bright coloured postcard, I quote letter for letter, word for word what they wrote. No interpretation given.

My eldest wrote.
"Zeit ist manchmal schoen und manchmal schlecht"
Time is sometimes lovely and sometimes bad.

And the youngest...
"Zeit ist...........wichtig ?"
Time is .......important ?

Wow, very deep. I was warmed from the inside. Such lovely insights.
I would have written. 

Time sometimes flies and sometimes it just drags on. Why is that?

What would you have written?

What is time for you?

Being at your best?

Do you know when you are at your best?

Can you recall a time when you were being fabulous?

Are you at your best right now?

What circumstances and context enable you to be at your best?

After watching a you tube video reccommeding by a friend, with Liz Wiseman, I developed an understanding that I had not been really aware of.

Most people are at the best, when they don't know.

What this translates to me as, is that, when I take on a new role or try something completely different, although I feel scared and even helpless, actually I could be at my best.

When thrown into new territory with high stakes, I know I feel exposed and vulnerable, but how I get out of this is by asking questions, seeking others' counsel, doing some research, trying things out, getting feedback and doing this all fast as being incapable and not competent does not feel great.

And what she was saying is that this is when we are at our best.

On reflection, I get this. 

I had not seen it this way before, I was seeing being at my best is when I am good at something, when I am knowledgable and when I feel confident and capable.  However when I feel that capable, the reality is that I stop asking questions, I ask less for feedback and others counsel and I may operate more alone and not seek others to help.

So yes I can see that I am at my best when doing something new and without the skills.

Does this resonate with you? Seems counter intuitive on the face of it, but after thinking it through it has offered me a new and very valuable perspective.

So if you are not at your best now, maybe it's time to do something new and different!

Setting an intent

Over the years, I have heard people talking about the importance of setting an "intent" for a meeting, for their day, for a particular conversation, but it is something I have never even tried to do.

But like the old adage, when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear, well this time, this appeared.

You see for me recently, days seemed to be blending into each other and weeks rolling into the next and somehow things were getting done but there was no moments for pausing or reflection. So somehow I was not having that moment of success or celebration even awareness, before the next thing just came along and took over.

So one day, on my bike to work, I set my intent for the day.(My bike is where I do my best thinking!)

I thought about what meetings I had that day and who in particular would be in them and then I decided that that day, my intent was to be "knowledgeable". And you know what I was.

The next day, I set my intent to "have time" and although this one went a bit wobbly in the afternoon, in the morning I did stop and chat and slowly walk the corridors versus stomping though the hallways at speed looking down.

The day after, I set my intent to breathe deeply. And in moments through out the day I stopped and did so. It was lovely.

Brilliant in fact!

So what is your intent for today? Do you have one?

To be generous

To be kind

To be curious

Go on, don't wait as long as did to implement it!

Let me know how it goes........


I just ordered a coffee at a well known coffee chain. Yes I know I am shallow and paying too much money for an experience, but hey ho, at least I know that.

But the bizarre thing is what I ordered. It made no sense.

I ordered a decaffeinated cappuccino with skimmed milk (or rather skinny milk - as cool people call it) and I added 1 sweetner!!

When did I get so New York??

What happened to having the real deal.

Why did I feel the need to take the fun out of EVERYTHING in my coffee!!

At least I ordered it in a real cup and not a to-go paper cup!

Seriously????????????? Have I really lost the plot!

So whats on your mind?

So seriously what is on your mind?

Do you actually know?

Are you able to stop and think?

Are you building in time to reflect and consciously chose how you spend your time?

Go on, grab a pen and write down the top 3 things that are on your mind.

Now when you have done that, cross check that with what is keeping you busy. Where are you spending your time?

If there is a match - well done.

If like me there is not a match, I think it is time to slow down, re think, and re plan.

Let me know how you get on.............