Vending machines

What is it about vending machines that gives me so much happiness?

I love looking at the choices. Even if I have no intent of buying anything, I am drawn to their wares, the selection and the possibilities. I walk over, as if drawn by a magnet, and stare through the glass and examine each of the rows, with scrutiny.

Today after a few moments of scrutiny, I uncharacteristically decided to make a purchase and buy some biscuits. I found they were surprisingly reasonably priced and I was actually peckish. The buns at the cafe I had just passed, looked dry and too much like yesterday's, to draw me in.  But these 'Lu"  biscuits lured me in.

Oh yes and they were soooooooooooo good, I bought two lots!! Now that was indulgent!!

Do you like vending machines?

Does anyone else have this pull when spotting a vending machine?

What is the deciding factor, to purchase or to ignore?

Should we tell our kids they are bad?

Am I overanalysing this?

The dreaded hug!

When you wear a wig, there are often small problems.

None of them are that bad. But lots of little irritants.

The wind and the way it flicks your hair up in one unnatural uplift.
The sunglasses, ie where to put the arms on the sides of the glasses, under your wig or on top.
The heat and the perspiration it generates underneath, which can cause overheating issues.

This is just to name but a few. But one that I often forget, is the dreaded hug.

Hugs can be quite wonderful. In fact, reserarch has show that a proper deep hug, can benefit you in many ways.  See some of the things that I have uncovered are:

Hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels (the love hormone!!!)
Hugs strengthen the immune system.
Hugs boosts self-esteeem
Hugs relaxes muscles.
Hugs balance out the nervous system.
Hugs teach us how to give and receive.
Hugs teach us to let go and be present in the moment.
Hugs reduce blood pressure and slow down the pulse rate
Hugs bring down levels of the stress hormone, cortisol

However when I see someone coming towards me with arms open wide, I dont think lucky me, I am about to experience a ton of health benfits, I think OH NO, this person is going to pull my wig off!!

You see most hugs involve the other persons arms reaching up around the neck and folding in, often tightly. For the average human, this is nothing other than lovely.  However for us wig bearing folk, we know it entails us, quickly holding on to our hair, so it doesn't get dragged down our back and ultimately off our heads!!

That said, whatever you do, don't stop hugging us!! Us baldies need some love too.

It's just one of the those little things us alopecians need to factor into our lives!!

So go share the love and reduce someones blood pressure. Go hug your neighbour!

Sushi in the City

My big girl adores day trips with her mum, namely me.

For this I am truly grateful.

It makes me feel very special.

Her usual wish is cinema or sushi. Or preferably both!

It was a glorious day in our city and we enjoyed each other immensely. This time we chose for sushi.

My wish is that we continue this tradition forever, enjoying the fine things of life, together on a terrace.

It is a lovely time together, where we just hang out and chat!

Little girls are special.

The simplest of things

We have considered owning a tumble drier for many years, through the birth of our first child, and then again re-considered with the second. Yet still we did not purchase a tumble drier. We wash and then dry naturally.

We struggle with the energy consumption of these machines, even those with triple A ratings.  Not to mention the beautiful, natural, fresh smell that is mising when clothes are tumbled in the drier.

That said, after 10 years of drying out clothes in the living room, we plunged and bought the big white beast.

Now, let's be clear, owning a tumble drier does not equate to using one. It is however there for the damp days when we have guests over. And we don't feel in the mood to have our knickers on the clothes horse for all to see.

Today however was a stunning end of summer day and I took great pleasure in hanging out three loads of colourful washing on the line. The sun and the breeze were perfect for the chores of the day.

I took great pleasure in watching it dry, looking at it sway in the wind, touching it to feel the ever diminishing dampness. 

I really don't know why I found this mundane and routine task so rewarding.  But I did. And for lunch to celebrate. It was homemade focaccia (inspired by my wish to up my domestic game) and a lovely, smooth red wine to start. With a view of the washing!

So I would like to raise a toast to drying clothes naturally and embracing the simplicity and the pleasures of life at home.


True Colours - Alopecia Month

When my dad told me about Alopecia month in the UK, I was shocked. Why didn't I know about this? Why wasn't I involved?

He told me that in my home region, there had been an Alopecia Flashmob, where a group of courageous women had danced and at the end, whipped off their wigs!! Wow I was in awe!

What an amazing concept. How I wished I could have been part of it.

So I found this video footage on you tube. I mean where else.

It is brilliant. I got goose pimples watching it.

Amazing women!

Hope you enjoy sharing in this emotion too!

Click here:

Flash mob Liverpool  

(If it fails, just google - Liverpool flash mob alopecia - )

My new rhythm

I have found a new rhythm to my day. It’s a simple adjustment but I am loving it.

So before I tell you the solution, let me explain the issue.

I am someone who gives a lot at work. When in conversations, I am listening and present, when preparing a slide deck, I try to be succinct and focused on the audience and when I prepare a speech, I try to be creative and engaging. Basically in the hours I am at work, I give it everything.

As a consequence, at some point, my body needs to give up.

It and I cant be “on” all the time.

So my usual rhythm is that I come home around 6/7, have dinner with my family, do some chores, put kiddies to bed, and then I head straight to the sofa and snuggle under a blanket. Evening over.

I am capable of simple conversation and sitcom viewing, but that’s about as far as it goes after 9pm. A phone call would even be a huge effort.

I am also at my happiest at this time. Its pure relaxation and I let myself just" be".

My husband is very aware of this rhythm and has worked out that if we need to do anything together eg tax declaration, decision on wardrobe design, brainstorming on garden overhaul, there is a window of about 30 mins around 8.45pm.

I wish it were different, namely that in the evening I had the energy and inclination to sort out old photos, empty overstuffed drawers, pull out some recipes for the week, call my friends, but I have accepted it isn’t. And quite possibly, this rhythm is healthy and exactly what I need to find my equilibrium and balance.

However I do feel sorry for my husband sometimes, as I really don’t offer him much fun and entertainment in the evening, and as said the exchange window is rather limited.

So on to my new solution.

Well we are in the fortunate and rather new situation, that our girls now take themselves off to school. So after the breakfast dash, toothbrush and hairbrush, at 7.50 they are out the door, on their way to the neighbouring school.

As many of you know, getting children into a car, especially in bad weather, driving them to the door then turning around and coming back, can really eat into your morning. So now without this school-run I am finding that my hubbie and I have up to an hour, in the morning, free.

Of course this could easily be filled with going to work early, but I am resisting this urge. Instead, hubby and I are putting the kettle on again and sitting down to have a chat.

It’s lovely. It’s our new found rhythm. 30 mins chat followed by a collective tidy around. Then a leisurely jump on my bike and I am still at work before 9.


So let me ask you. What tweak can you make, in your day, that will make it that little bit better?

Caro and number 6

Tonight the ice hockey season began . All summer we had been playing on in-line skates, but tonight the ice was back on and I was ready for it.

I was excited to get back on the ice and smell that particular smell of the rink.  And to hear that particular sound of the zamboni, cleaning and smoothing the ice   I love the anticipation of this bit.

There seemed a lot of people on the ice. And it was mixed sex. Never a good sign as men are usually really fast and good skaters.

There were drills explained on the board and off we went.

I always struggle with instructions of a certain length, and usually rely on my pretty good intuition and ability to copy. However tonight that was a stretch too far. I understood little and even worse could not follow. I ended up trying the exercises and feeling ridiculous, stupid and downright incompetent.

I gave myself some serious self talk.

"Don't give up" "This is something you have to go through to get better". "Everyone was at this stage once" etc etc. 

I came back.

I tried again.

This time I couldn't even join in, I had inertia. If I felt stupid before, now I felt like a fraud. Who the hell did I think I was?  Why did I think I could do this? What on earth was I thinking signing up to join the Swiss ice hockey league?

It was at this stage, tears began forming from sheer frustration. I felt absolutely rotten.

I could not control my emotion. I felt awful.

Shortly after an angel came to me, she wore a number 6 on her shirt. She said, "Don't worry it's tough this week and I remember starting out two years ago. It's hard". And then she smiled. A kind and warm smile, before skating off.

A while later, angel number 2 arrived. This one had a name, she said "Don't give up, it gets better, wait for two more weeks, when we are on our own ice. It's friendly and fun". And again a kind and warm smile.

The difference these two angels made. They gave me confidence and faith that maybe, just maybe, I can do this.

So ask me a year from now, if I did.

I really hope so.

And if not, well I guess there is only so much stretch a girl can pay for!!!

So finally let me leave you with this thought. Do you realise the impact your kind words can have on people? Do you think these two angels thought their comments would be blog worthy?


So lets all go out there today, and consciously give encourgament and kind words to random people. If we do, things can only get better.

Wrong hair day

I have a selection of wigs. I don’t often keep the old ones, as they get tatty and worn out. Also quite horribly, they also take on a nasty odour of old skin (sorry, but its true)

Ahead of a party we were having at home recently, I decided to try on some choices of wigs, just to see which one I felt like wearing, to go with my little red dress. I guess this is the equivalent of going for a cut and blow for you ladies out there.
I decided on an asymmetrical dark one. Yes, I was happy with this choice.
The rest I packed away. Back in their boxes in the wardrobe. 
Story told. Story over.
Well not quite.
On Monday morning, I did my usual bike ride to work with my hat on of course.  Followed by my walk of shame/pride to the ladies bathrooms near my building. Remember that post?
To my shock, I pulled out the wrong wig. Ooooooooooooooooooo cack!
Oooooooooo double cack! 
That was most definitely not my work wig. That was my party wig!
So what to do?
Well as I am a very practical person, I decided to just get on with my day and wear it.
Luckily, it was a similar length, but oh so different. Luckliy not too crazy but definitely a little more funky that my sensible, conservative work cut.

During the morning, I got a few comments from colleagues, like “oh your hair looks different”. But I smiled and said, yes today it does. Then carried on with my business.
It made me chortle. How silly I felt, but deep down I didn’t care. And you know what, that was good.
I like being a bit different and a tad eccentric.
We all have bad hair days. I just had a wrong hair day!

The secret of feet

I like reading books, especially ones recommend or even better, loaned to me by friends. 

The one I am reading right now, is about body language, and how FBI agents gain insights, into what a person is really saying or hiding, through their movements.

It’s a fun book and definitely got some good tips in there.

The bit that surprised me most is about feet.   Apparently the truth lies in our feet. If they point to the door and not at the person we are talking to, this is not a good sign. It means we want to flee from the conversation.
What’s interesting about body language is that it really is out of our control. It is so automatic and sub conscious, that actively controlling it would be stressful and need a lot of practice.
Another insight on feet was about their whereabouts. If your conversation is comfortable and not intrusive, the other persons feet will be closer to you, however the more stressful the conversation, the more they are likely to withdraw under a chair, away from the other person.
So as of now, don’t be offended, if I start staring at your feet whilst asking you uncomfortable questions, I am just checking out these theories.

And as for you, watch what your feet do today.  It's scarily true.

What can I say.........

Really I have nothing to say, except sorry.

For the first time ever, since launching my blog nearly 18 months ago, I changed my rhythm.  I have been religious about my posts.  Three a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Come hell or high water, job change or house move, school start or vacation, I have delivered to my own expectations.

But last week, I failed.


Not only once, but twice.

I had quite a number of comments from my committed readers, saying hey, your ruining my morning coffee break at work, you spoiled my breakfast check in, I missed you in my day, I don't understand where you have gone!  It was great to know I was missed, but a bitter reminder of how out of control my last few weeks have been.

The worst thing about it, is that I did not manage any of your expectations (nor mine come to think of it). And when you don't inform people of any such changes, it creates an emotional reaction that could simpy have been avoided. A quick note would have been enough. Yet I even failed to do that.

My head was over spilling. I was running in overdrive.  I had no capacity.

The next two weeks will be no different, but I will ensure that I post.

I did not feel complete, without time for my blogging, I did not like missing my self imposed deadline as per habit.

So forgive me for the temporary blip. I am back.

Thanks for missing me!

Oi - that’s mine!!

This morning, at the airport going through security (and for once this is NOT an alopecia story) I was distracted. I was on a conference call and had to put the phone down whilst it went through the machine.

I am a master of multitasking badly.

So as my bags and items, came out of the Xray machine, I picked up the phone so as to continue my call and somewhat distractedly packed my goods, back into my bag, liquids, boarding pass, PC etc

As I was ready to leave the area, a man tapped me on the shoulders. Oh here we go, I thought. So I turned around, and saw another passenger looking at me oddly. He kindly said, “I think you have my PC in your bag”. I instantly unzipped my bag and revealed what looked like my PC. However on closer examination, it was not mine. Horror of horrors. I had picked up his and put it into my bag!

Oh my god, I was so apologetic, and we quickly swapped. Conversation over and off he went.

My word, can you imagine how bad that would have been. Me opening up my laptop either on the plane or in the Warsaw office later that day, only to find a random laptop which clearly didn’t hold my information nor accept my passwords.

That would have been embarrassing!

It was so close.

Luckily the man was not so pre-occupied, or too distracted to pay attention to his personal goods.

So nothing happened, but it got me thinking of all the things like this that occur on a daily basis, because I am multitasking badly. My attention was clearly elsewhere and I missed the obvious.

What else had I missed that morning? What else was I missing every day?

It’s a hard one, as multi tasking is sometimes really effective in getting thought the workload, but clearly there is a cost to this, which may not always be evident.

So let me ask you. Do you multitask? Is it effective? What have you done in moments of distraction?