The three things

Over the weekend I asked a few people if they were to start all over again, in the pursuit of love, what 3 qualities would they ensure their future spouse had.

My survey audience was a range of young to old, male and female. All however had been or are still married.

Here are some answers:

1. Good health
2. Someone to love me
3. Someone to care of me

1. Good health
2. Someone who has good humour
3. Compatability

1. Someone who knows what they want
2. Good looks
3. Someone to laugh with

1. Someone to look after me
2. Practical and can fix things
3. Someone to make me laugh

1. Someone who can cook
2. Someone with a caring personality
3. Someone to grow old with

1. Some who looks afer me
2. Good humoured
3. Compatability

So what are your top three qualities for selecting a spouse?
Did you select well?

Hope I don't offend...

She started the conversation with "I have something for you, but I hope I don't offend you"

Now isn't that a curious way to start to converation.

Immediately I was intrigued.

My instinct knew, that this was about my hair, of lack of it.

So without further ado, she whipped out a bag.

In it was a gift. A gift and a DVD.

Here is the gift.

After watching the DVD, I found that this lovely and soft piece of woollen material, was actually a hat, or a headcover!

My daughter then jumped in and copied the models on the TV. She placed it over my head and twisted and turned the material and crafted a lovely headcover for me.

Ta da!!!!

Isn't it lovely?

But I felt a little sad that I had made the person offering me this thoughtful and kind gift, possibly feel like this could be an offense.

How could such a fabulous headcover offend.
But then again, maybe a few years ago I felt different.

Anyway, it did not offend and I now have a lovely new hat!!

What do you think?

Uplifting hobbies

This weekend, I joined in two events.

These were invites from friends and family to come and spectate their performances.

The first was a friend who was dancing.

It was wonderful. This was no ordinary dance display, this was whistles and bells and stick clapping. Magnificient.

The music and the smiles were so infectious and the audience were thrilled to be able to watch such fun on the High Street.

The next event was a choir. In a church. The music was a mix of modern and classic, and it sounded so bombastic in the accoutics of a church.

I have to say, I got goosebumps with the harmonies. So so lovely.

It was such an uplifting experience and made me realise how important it is, to be part of something that is good for the soul.

I am not sure I have such a hobby. Yet it made me think that it is a good thing.

Are you being uplifted?

If so what by?

I am off to think about what mine can be?


On a lazy weekend morning, my little one crawled into bed with me.  The pre teen was of course still sleeping under a mound of blankets. Lazy weekend mornings are rare and wonderful.  And little visitors are most welcome.

She had her headphones on and was listening to what she called "rock n roll" music.  Let me explain, her granddad had just been visiting and had clearly influenced her music taste and her expressions.

Whilst she was listening to her rock n roll music,  she shouted (of course she has not yet worked out that you don't need to shout when you wear earphones) "Mum you can get this spray that you spray on your head and a few nights later your hair grows.  It's real hair and not a wig.  Don't know where you can up buy it though"

And then she went back to singing Lady Madonna at the top of her voice.

So there you have it, apparently a magic spray exists.  Anyone know which shop sells this?
Anyone know what it's called?

Hair spray perhaps?????????

Comfy camping

So camping was amazing.

Especially the first night.

Honestly it was not my doing, it just happened that way! Tee hee.

You see we ended up in a five star beautiful French hotel with a gourmet restaurant. Four poster beds and comfy white slippers.

My kind of camping.

I promise it was not planned.

So the story goes........

On the way, our car decided it needed a break. So on the French autoroute we had to pull over and call for help. Our very helpful Swiss car insurance instructed us that on these private roads, we could not be towed anywhere, so we had to get off them.  Wow, such rules.

Anyway we managed. The rescue service was taking a while, so given that we were five people and it was getting late, we needed to find a place to stay.  My wonderful smart phone, showed me that within 2km there was a hotel, so I called and got us two rooms for the five of us.

On arrival there, we saw how lovely it was. However we had to empty our car and trek ALL our camping equipment through the reception area of this sophisticated establishment. Luckily the hotel manager was very kind, but it was a little embarrassing.  Pots, pans, sleeping bags, tents, cool boxes, blankets, all trawled through the hotel lobby.
Our car was then towed away.

After an exquisite nights sleep, we enjoyed a tremendous continental breakfast, mmmmm....

Shortly after we got two taxis to the next city, there was no chance of fitting in one!! Meaning we trawled all of our camping things out of the hotel into the taxis.  Trying to be discrete and quiet. After a long trip on a windy round, we arrived in Saarbrucken, and got a rental car. After an hours debate on the size of car we needed, then at last we headed off camping!
24 hours later we arrived.

The weekend was wonderful. Friends, sunshine and open fires.

However I have to confess the adventure of getting there really made this weekend extra special.

Any of you off camping soon?
I recommend a breakdown en route.

Not blogging

It bothers me when I don't blog.

It is hard to have all these ideas and texts, floating round my head and not finding a way out.

Yet I consciously chose where I spend my time.

Recently I have been consciously choosing other things. Namely sleep, exercise and work.

It is less a reflection on what I am not choosing to do. But more about the choice of what I am choosing to do.

So what are you three focus areas? Do you know what they are?

Are they the right ones?

Mine were the right ones for the last few weeks, but I am sensing a need to shift them now.

Not sure which one is going off the list, and what's coming in, in its place, but by Monday I will have that nailed.

Off camping!

Today is Pentecost / Whitsun Monday.

I am off in a field camping.

I have been there since Friday.

Remote and far away.

I have no idea of my state of mind, when this blog publishes, but I do know, I will be dying for a shower and soft bed.

More when back to luxury.


Coming up conference

Last week I took a step forward on my alopecia journey.

It may not seem bold, but for me it is a new chapter of the book, possibly another rung on the ladder.

I have enrolled to go to an Alopecia conference in September.

I am not clear, why now I am drawn to this, however I am.

Maybe it is time to meet other alopecians. Or maybe it is time for me to get involved in an alopecian charity or maybe I am starting to have a need for the latest information. Who knows.

Either way I am going (and I am dragging my "sage" friend with me). She is the one that I know will accompany best on this journey.

You can expect to hear about this in September, and between now and then I will ponder on "why now?"

Different ways I have travelled

Whilst on my way to work this morning, I saw a big lorry pulling up the road. It reminded me of how I used to travel home from University.

You see I went to college, 4 hours from home, and as a student I was always skint.

So rather than taking a bus or train, I used to head down to a town nearby, stay over at a lorry drivers house (who my dad knew!). At 3 in the morning, we would wake up and hit the road. Arriving safely, time after time, at my dad's place of work for the delivery of goods, he had been transporting.

It was very effective and cheap. So it met all the criteria of a student.

This memory, just made me think of all the ways that I have travelled.

Boat, ferry, canoe, train, tram, car, bike, bus, minibus, motorbike...........and the list goes on.

However the one that made me chuckle today was the lorry.

The things I did to avoid spending money were quite impressive!

What is the weirdest way you have travelled??

I am sure there are much weirder than a lorry. So do tell...........

Two years of blogging

Two years ago in May 2012, I set out on the journey of becoming a hobby blogger.
It was never intended to be a long term thing, it was just an experiment and a "lets see" moment.

So after two years of cranking out posts, what has been the point of it all?

Well here are my personal reflections:

1. I have raised the awareness of my readers of the intricacies with the condition of alopecia.
2. I have become increasingly conscious of my alopecia moments (I always need content).
3. I have caused a few of my readers to think about their behaviours and their lives in a slightly different way.
4. I have captured some memories, that I will undoubtedley forget.
5. I have practiced my writing style, so that I now communicate to my work team in "blog style".
6. I have learned through the comments and emails from my readers, about their lives and choices.
7. I have found a way to funnel my thoughts into something concrete.
8. I have admitted to the world that I am bald and that I am finding a way to live well with it.
9. I have realised writing down an idea takes less than 5 minutes.
10. I am more conscious of how I feel about events.

The blog is read by over 200 people a week, somedays I get over 100 people a day. The readers come from all over the world, not only places where I know people. The comments show that my content drives thoughts and reflections. And the comments show that my writing is enjoyed.

Whether I will be blogging two years from now, who knows?

Where the journey takes me, I have no idea.

A book? A motivational speaker? A bald model?

Maybe. I am just letting it emerge.