Coming up conference

Last week I took a step forward on my alopecia journey.

It may not seem bold, but for me it is a new chapter of the book, possibly another rung on the ladder.

I have enrolled to go to an Alopecia conference in September.

I am not clear, why now I am drawn to this, however I am.

Maybe it is time to meet other alopecians. Or maybe it is time for me to get involved in an alopecian charity or maybe I am starting to have a need for the latest information. Who knows.

Either way I am going (and I am dragging my "sage" friend with me). She is the one that I know will accompany best on this journey.

You can expect to hear about this in September, and between now and then I will ponder on "why now?"


  1. Why now? Because you are ready. That is why. this has been a long journey and process for you and the next chapter my going to be so BEAUTIFUL.
    this is a whole new beginning and life. life won't even be recognizable for you in 3-5 yrs...I am super excited for you.

    In a few years ..I know you will be leading these types of conferences. Bald. I know it.

    Lauren Kate

  2. Wow! How interesting ... and actually, you will find it very interesting. I only met fellow psoriasis sufferers for the first time last year and it was absolutely fascinating. It doesn't really matter why you've decided to go now - what matters is that you've finally made that decision and I really don't think you'll regret it

  3. Coming UP conference or is that coming OUT conference? Is your "sage" a bald friend? If not should she shave for the occasion?
