Day 90 of 100

I have been undertaking a walking challenge for 90 days now.
The challenge is 100 days long.

I am obsessed.

The challenge is with a group of 7 to walk at least 10,000 steps a day for the 100 days. It an external company who sets it up and encourages organizations to take part.

I have to confess I have not consistently walked 10,000 steps a day, but over the period, I have gotten increasingly better, and my average is now about 15,000.  I think I started at about 6,000.

The step count also includes cycling, it does a fancy conversion thing.

What I have learned is that to do 10,000 steps a day, you really do have to change your habits and your mindset.

For example, when I have a meeting now with one other person, we walk.

We get up from the table, put on our coats, and we go outside. I tell you its wonderful, suddenly the conversation opens up and there are no boundaries. It really is a double win. You move and you think differently.

The mindset change I underwent was that going to run that errand was a good thing. So rather than thinking, oh do I really have to go to the post office, or get some milk. I now jump up and say, I will do it. Each trip add hundreds to the count. And 10,000 is not an easy feat. So you need a few errands a day to get to the goal.

I will report out on the results when complete, however I know that I have gradually upped my game. And not through more sport and more gym attendance, but through changing my habits.

I have been suprised by that.

Really suprised.

How much do you walk?

Are there slots in your day where you can squeeze it in?

Have a think, I was suprised how possible it was to change things.

1 comment:

  1. inspiring! I am going to do it starting Sept 15..walk everyday for 30!
    wish we could walk together. Love the errand advice too
