Elaborating on "stable"

I have to confess the "word" to describe the year game, was not my idea. I stole it from a friend of mine who has been doing it for many years. I had been so intrigued watching how the word she choses, focusses her decisions and choices throughout the year. She really uses it as a compass and it really helps her navigate through the hard times. Its quite impressive.

So this year I made the describe your year "word" game mine.

I also know that a number of you have also made the game yours. I have received quite a few notes from you with your words, such as "flow" and "instinct". There was also one beautiful one that was inspired by a poem from Rumi, which I may ask her if I can share with you.

My word as I announced on January 1st, is "stable'.

Let me elaborate.

I am very aware of how blessed I am. I avoid the word luck as it sounds so undeserved and haphazard, but blessed to me is about home grown luck with plenty of intent and hard work involved, yet life does need a dollop of luck thrown in too.

You see, I have a nice home, a good job, amazing friends, a close family and above all I have my health. I wake up each day and can breath easy, I wake each day and I can get out of bed, I wake each day without pain, I wake each day and do not have to take medicine. I wake each day in a warm bed in a warm house, next to my husband with 2 sleeping children nearby.
I am lucky and I am blessed.

I am also very aware of people around me who don't have these things, thus I do have a discomfort about talking about them, I feel bad saying how good I feel my life is, I feel guilty saying I want more of the same, yet at the same time, I say this not in a "look-at-how-great-my-life-is" kind of way, I say it in a "lets-appreciate-what-really-matters" kind of way. And actually it is a statement coming from a place of humility not bragging. I hope that comes across.

I also appreciate that things change and I am mindful of all that I have right now.

I wish that things could stay just like they are. I like my lot. I want this gratitude and these honours bestowed on me to remain with me, I want  all these things to remain "stable".

In addition to this, this year,
I want my job to remain the same - stable
I want my home to remain the same - stable
I want my fitness level to remain the same - stable
I want my balance of my international travel and being at home to stay the same - stable
I want my relationships with my friends to remain the same - stable
I want my relationships with my family to stay the same - stable

Of course there are things that I have that I would like to change or improve, but if all I have now is all I have at the end of 2015, what an amazing year it would be. It would not be boring or dull, it would be extrordinary.

I am not craving no change, I am not craving monotony, but I am thankful for all that I have. Thus my wish for 2015 is more of the same,  - stable.

So have you decided your word?

If not, what is stopping you?

1 comment:

  1. Too many choices. So much I want to do. I think you just helped me work it out... Perhaps it should be Focus.
