Not to get too philosopical, but meaning is important

Following my Monday post 2 days ago, I have been pondering "meaning". See, my blogs even get me thinking about my questions!!

What is the meaning of life?

Is meaning at work as important as meaning in our private lives?

Today I am going to flesh out some ideas on meaning at work.

You see I was exposed to a concept in a training earlier this week, about the 5 sources of meaning.

The theory suggested that there are 5 sources. None of them better or worse than another and each one personal.  As you read them, think about if that particular one provides you with meaning.

Company, shareholder
Mission, society
Consumer, customer
Team, experience
Me, personally

It made sense to me.  You see I am 90% sitting in the category of "team, experience".

What this means is that if someone on the stage at Corporate is pitching a product and the benefit it brings to the end user, be that a patient receiving a lifesaving drug or a baby with a dry nappy, it does not provide me with meaning.

Yes of course it is important and makes me understand where I fit in, but it really does not give me meaning for my work.  The same way looking at the P&L and the $$$ earned in the last quarter, does not provide me with meaning either. Again very important and I am very glad, others find their meaning here, but for me, it's not that.

What matters to me is the people I work with. The team and the experience we share.  It's the boss that I have, the coffee breaks I take, the colleagues on my floor, the pulling together in tough times, the staying late to solve a problem. The being there for one another. To ask colleagues how they are and listen to the answer. To notice that things are not going well. To actually give a damn about each other.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't want to be chatting all day and listening to last nights' baby terrors, I just want people to notice I exist and recognize my contribution. The same way I want to notice that I work with humans with emotions, and not swith robots who just churn out powerpoint slides.

So that is my source of meaning.

What's yours????


  1. Very interesting post..made me think a lot. And learn a lot about you too. We definately derive meaning differently as your above is not what motivates me personally.

    I have to think more about it...and what does provide meaning for me. Something about relationships but in a different way.
    I need a lot of adrenaline in a day..and to solve problems etc..hmm will think more.

    Great post!


  2. hmm i see a big overlap in those areas. i work in a health organisation and value the team i work in - without their humour, inspiration & spirit it would be a lonely place. however i ultimately work to make my patient - the customer's life richer and easier and from this i achieve a personal fulfilment i would not otherwise experience. as for company and mission statement -do more for less - it is more an element to endure and to continue to be driven by the pride of what we do regardless of the cost cuts and shortsighted changes imposed.
