Riding a bike with Alopecia

So if you have not worked it out by now, I love to ride my bike. I bike to work, I take my racing bike out on the weekends, I just love being outside and cycling through the streets. I cycle to restaurants, to conferences, even to hotels.

However wearing a wig on a bike is complicated.

If you don't wear a helmet it can fly off.

If you do wear a helmet, you can die of heat exhaustion..

So what to do?

Well I have mentioned my funky little hats before. I have an array of colours, sizes and styles. For my bike I have a particular type. It's like the one below  (it's not me in the picture, it is taken out of the fabulous hat shop where I get them all from).

The advantage is that you have your head completely covered, and the bike helmet fits on beautifully.  It also looks kind of normal, when you bump into people. Which I seem to do a lot in this small city.

It is also possible to take  the helmet off on arrival, to work usually, then quickly scurry to the bathrooms to switch it for my hair.  It's a bit of a hassle, but its like any other habit or process, you get used to it really quickly.

My biggest fear is getting to work and realizing that my wig is not in my handbag. Aghhhh!!
It has never happened before but you never know.

So that is my inconvenience of the day, what is yours?

We all have them, mine is about my hair, but yours may be about something completely different.

Do tell.

1 comment:

  1. Imagining the scenario really makes me chuckle! Well, I must agree that it really feels uncomfortable to ride the bike, while worrying about your wigs and helmet. Worse, it might — knock on wood — be the cause of an accident if ever you try to chase after your flown toupee, or having your sight obstructed by it at the most inopportune time. Anyway, I’m glad that you finally resolved it. Cheers!

    Evelyn Barrett @ Good Look Ink
