So if that is true, shouldn't we all be generous all of the time?
We discussed the scenario of going out with the girls for a night out. We love it when our partners say
"great honey, you deserve a night out, go early, pick a great restaurant and stay out late, dont worry about the kids in the morning, I will get their breakfast ready"
Yet sometimes the response was more like "What again? Make sure you take the bins out before you leave and dont make a noise when you get in"
We were saying if the first scenario played out, we would be more likely to encourage our partners to go out later in the week and reciprocate all the good wishes for their evening. However if the second scenario is what happened, we would be more likely to begrudge them that night out and only relunctantly agree and possibly even grumble, about them leaving us with all the housework.
Have you experienced generosity reaping generousity back??
It's the same in any situation, at work or play. When you insist on buying your friend an icecream, its very likely they ensure they buy it next time.
So if this theory is true, why aren't we all being generous all of the time?
For the exception when it is not reciproacted, who cares, aren't the other benefits all worth it?
Thoughts anyone?
Interestingly, it's the opposite that I've always found to be really true which is 'Mean People make you Mean' So you're right ... if that is true, then equally generosity will breed generosity!