The big reveal: I don't want my hair back

In my recent "Liebster blog" post, I declared that I didn't want my hair to grow back. This surprised a few of you, and if  I am honest it even surprised me a little.

This is a little shocking given that I used to describe my best asset as my hair. It had enviable shine, length and thickness, it really was quite beautiful, even if I do say so myself. Many of you do however know, that with dark thick head hair, comes the disadvantages. Dark thick leg hair, dark thick arm pit hair. I won't go on, as I guess you get the picture.  Yet, since the onset of alopecia universalis, I am the proud owner of a bald body.

This is quite a wonderful thing.

Think bikini, think shorts, think sleeveless tops and reaching for the top shelf, think no hair removal. Ever. Ever. Ever.

I for one struggled with hair removal for many years, bizarrely enough I even also paid a lot of money for laser treatment. What a terrible investment that was!!! Ironic really. I even remember discussing with a friend what we would give, to never have to shave our legs ever again.
Remember that DJ Spade?  How hilarious is that now!

Now, unlike many of you, I get to thoroughly enjoy bare legs in the Summer. I get to wear short skirts and strappy tops. All can be put on at a moments notice without a consideration for my body hair. This is a form of freedom many of you do not experience. This is quite fabulous.

And this, I have decided is the benefit of alopecia. This makes the burden of wearing a wig and tattooing my eyebrows, something I would find hard to trade in for a full head of hair.

Also I never get roots, nor grey hair!
So given all these benefits, it would be hard to trade it in for head hair.

Anyone out there got bald envy yet???

1 comment:

  1. As a sufferer of psoriasis, which means shorts, strappy/strapless tops, short skirts or indeed skirts of any kind are no longer on the agenda, I can certainly see the advantages! Good for you for looking on the bright side:)
