Fiscal sense

I was starting to grey, as I lost my hair. I was in my early thirties, so there was nothing really odd about that. The greying I mean, not the hairloss.

It was just a few gray hairs here and there, but enough for me to start "needing" to dye it. It was a pain and a generally unpleasant activity. Not forgetting the amount of towels I stained in the process.

I hear from family and friends that monthly colouring is required, when the greying kicks in.  Especially, if like me, you have (opps had) very dark hair. Some do it more, others less. So let's call it a chore that needs to be carried out every six weeks.

The hair can be coloured, streaked and/or cut. These hair interventions can also be done at different times, ie one week the cut, the next week the colouring, but this really adds on to the time involved.

So a rough calculation says that keeping your hair looking good, costs around 1000 euros, swissies or dollars a year. Am I anywhere close in that estimation ladies?

This does not include time, hair products or anything fancy. Like a sneaky blowdry or straightening for a night out with the girls.

Now the wigs I buy cost around 300 euros, swissies, dollars. Some closer to 400.

I need between 3-4 wigs a year.

Thus my calculation says that taking everything into consideration, wigs are cheaper. So for any of you out there looking to save money, not even considering the huge savings on general body hair elimination, it is cheaper to own false hair than have your own.

So for any of you out there on a budget or trying to save up.

I say get alopecia!!!

It makes fiscal sense.

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