Coping with heat

We are thoroughly enjoying a heat wave right now. It's splendid.

Luckily I am on holiday too, which allows me to enjoy every single minute of the glorious sunshine.

However, as its Friday, I need to tell you about how heat affects alopecians.

You see alopecians don't have it easy in the heat. Maybe you know this, but hair absorbs any sweat and without hair, you really appreciate this function.

So what we alopecians, in the heat get, is a very sweaty head.

Really it's unpleasant.

As I have mentioned many times before, I often wear a hat outside of work. But my hats get sweaty too, which isn't either pleasant nor practical. 

So all today's blog is about is sweaty heads. 

The alternative of a wig in this heat, would be unbearable. Nothing short of heat exertion. 

The real alternative, which believe me sounds very attractive, is going bald.But that ain't gonna happen now is it!


  1. Really? Not even in the privacy of your own house or back garden? During the heatwave in Ireland, I couldn't bear the heat ... so I was in shorts around the house & garden and even went so far as to wear sleeveless and short sleeved tops when I went out. Comfort won over concealment - although I still had full length linen trousers! (For those who are reading this comment and wondering what I'm talking about, I suffer from psoriasis!)

    1. Dear FF, I think I still have a way to go. I still don't feel comfortable with a naked head. Well done you for braving it. BBB x

    2. That's fair enough ... a naked head is a far bigger deal than flaky skin. Although I think you underestimate the good looking face that could easily carry off a naked head with aplomb!!
