
Today I am off shopping for new wigs.

It has become a highlight of my year.

I found my wig shop many years ago, all by chance.

I was really starting to get large bald spots and I knew the end was nigh, ie a wig would soon be needed.

I had braved going into one wig shop a few weeks prior. It was an awful experience. The shop was cold and medicinal. The woman was shocking. Absolutely no bedside manner. Daft cow.

She clearly told me that I would have to shave all my remaining hair off, if I wanted to wear a wig. WHAT?????????????
NO WAY???????????

What I had left I was holding on to. Shave it off never!!

So I left the shop and called my bezzie mate and balled my eyes out!! I think that was my first ever release of months of pent up emotion. We both remember the exchange well.

Anyway, a few weeks later, hubby and I were out in Freiburg, shopping.

On our way back to the train, a hairdresser shop caught my eye. It had wigs in the window.

I just walked in and said, "Hi I want to talk about wigs". The lady, kindly said that I would need an appointment. I said, sorry thats not possiblem you don't realise, I need to talk to someoe about this now. This is an emergency!

She immediately understood and took me to the back of the shop and spent a lot of time with me, discussing wigs and showing me how to wear them. She was amazing!!! She also told me that I did not have to shave my hair off, as you could bring some of it into the style!!!!

She gave me what I needed - in spades.

What a difference!

And since then, I have been going there, loyally, at least once a year. Even when we moved to Canada!!

And today, off I go again. I am so excited, who knows what styles she will have ordered, she has great taste.

She was an angel at that time, she knew what I needed, both emotionally and physically. For that, she will get my custom forever.

More soon!


  1. what a great story about empathy and insight - you could write a short story about it and publish as a case study in customer service. i'll connect you to Chip Bell!!
    having said that - can't wait to see your new "do"! Going blond?? you know.. blonds have more.. fun…

    1. @EP. No blonde, but tons of customer service. Bought four!!

  2. ya I think blond and long would be good...totally new! Sometimes I wish I could wear a wig too just for the change!
    Lauren Kate
