My city - well not really

Recently on a business trip to London, I had 3 hours free!!

Whilst I realise this is not a huge amount of time, but with the right planning, a lot can be squeezed in.

I decided in this time that I loved London. It really is a fabulous city. It is absolutely full to the brim with colourful people wearing even more colourful clothes, you see hairstyles that make you chuckle and wherever you look you see life!

It really is the "Big smoke", full of hustle and bustle. Noise and smells. Lights and excitment.

However even as a Brit, it is not my home, I don't fit in.

You see, I really don't know and follow the rules.

Yes big cities have rules. Many rules and all unwritten.

Here are some of them:

Always stand on the left hand side of the escalator. Look how everyone conforms.

Always walk on the left hand of the corridor. Look how well behaved everyone is.

It is obvious that within this big city chaos, rules have to be set, otherwise no one would get anywhere.

Another rule, is not to look at other people on the tube. I didn't dare to take a picture of this!!

It is hard not to glare, as the folk on the tube are all so interesting. Yet staring is an absolute taboo. Noone does that. Everyone reads, plays with technology or stares into an empty space. Staring is really not acceptable.

I loved my three hours of London. Thanks for having me. I hope to be back soon!

Maybe next time I will fit in. I will try harder.

1 comment:

  1. You don't stare, because if you do someone might strike up a conversation. Then within a blink of an eye, you know what meds they're on and why they have no inhibitions about talking to you!!

    But, honestly, I love London because it welcomes everyone.
