
I like learning new words.

Thats what I love about the English language. Most days I come across a new word. A word that I have not come across before.

The word I discovered today, is actually not an English word, but it was used in a novel I am reading. Actually one from my selection mentioned on my "Which book to read?" post.

The word is Honzon. I am not going to correctly define it, but what I think it meant was "an object of devotion".  This may come in the form of a person, a car, a job or even money. It is something you put a lot of focus on and that gives your life meaning. It is something that makes you happy or equally makes you sad. It is something that defines your way of being, the way you are and the mood you are in.

We all have them.

What I took away from this new found knowledge is that we need to be conscious in what we devote ourselves to. As if that object changes, so do we. The more we are devoted to these things, the harder it hurts when they are taken away. Kinda makes sense.

I am not sure if I can move my Honzons away from what they currently are, because I like the fact that my purpose is also defined by this. But I guess what I have understood a little more is that the exact same events, can affect people differently, because of their level of devotion to it.

So thats my thought for the day. Not sure I will change anything because of it. But I do like my new word. Honzon!

What are yours?

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