Just in case of midnight drama

I have this silly little habit. No it is not tupperware this time.

I do not remove my make-up before I go to bed. Before I got alopecia every evening I did. I would routinely do, as the glossy overpriced magazines tell you, which is to systematically take off your make-up before going to bed. However in recent years I have stopped doing this. So what's the difference?

The answer is simple.

Leaving my make-up on, means that when I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror my eyes look acceptable. To me, my face looks normal when it has make-up on and to me, I look healthy with that black outline. Clearly first thing in the morning, this is not the kind of freshly made up fresh face that you see on celebs, but it is somehow better than the alternative.

Just for the record, As part of my routine for the first 15 minutes of the day, I do carefully apply my make-up (after wiping off the black smudge smeared around my eyes). Which raises the question of why do I feel the need to leave it on overnight, knowing that this really is fashion no no.

As said the answer is simple and a little silly. I figure if I am forced out of my bed in the middle of the night, because of a fire or an armed robbery, at least I would look kind of decent. How ridiculous is that? As I write this I can't helped laughing at the fact that I even think like this.

Clearly what underlines this silly habit, is my discomfort of my unmade up face, my exposed red eyes, my look of sickness and my bare reflection. A face that looks odd, wrong and even ugly. A naked face I really don't want to look at.

Yet, I do find my midnight scenarios so unlikely that I have to laugh at myself.

So as I get ready to retire this evening, despite this realization, I once again go upstairs, brush my teeth, put on my pyjamas and snuggle up to bed without removing my make-up. And why?

Well, just in case a tree falls on the house and I have to run into the street, to save myself! Well you never know!

So what silly and senseless things do you do? What act do you routinely carry out, that logic defies?

Does it also bring you the same level of comfort?


  1. Hi BBB, I don't think you're being silly at all. But surely your skin must be suffering? If I may make a suggestion - have you thought of glasses? There are so many cool frames available now, would it work if you were to remove your make up at night, apply a tinted moisturiser & in case of emergencies, have a pair of glasses by the bed. Plain glass, but mad frames?! Would this work? So many women use glasses as 'face dressing', perhaps it may be an option for you to consider? FF

  2. I wanted to laugh too when I was reading you, because I have the same sort of 'overthoughtfulness' too! Although some weekends I end up being an exhausted woman full of disgust for home-cleaning, there is one thing I'm happy about: if people ever find me dead and cold in bed the morning after my cleaning, at least they'll be surprised to see how clean my flat is." Recently I'm asking myself if I have to flee my flat within one minute, what will I bring with me? The first thing which comes to my mind are the printed photos and my camera!
