What I love about the Summer

Sleeping in til the first one awakes
Grilled cheese sandwiches at the community pool
Watching the girls blossom in diving and synchro lessons
Eating in new restaurants
Day trips to see whales
Seeing wonderful friends, old and new
Staying up late
Reading pages and pages of books
Enjoying talking to strangers
Drinking iced coffee prepared by my hubby
Camping in nature
Going for ice cream
Cycling everywhere
Just wearing hats
Swimming every day
Not having to make lunch boxes
Little girls in flip flops
BBQs with the neighbours

This is what I love about the Summer.



  1. Oh yes! and also:
    Fresh summer berries, fruits and vegetables
    drinking champagne in the garden at any time of day
    outdoor brunch
    making jam
    all the neighborhood kids playing in the street
    hiking to lovely lunch spots with good playgrounds
    making sandcastles at the beach
    and of course, me in flip flops:-)

  2. And summer where you live.......is especially beautiful I think:) Hard to beat!
